Day 26. Hill Run.

of 365 Daily Activity Challenge!

Physical Activity and Exercise
1 min readDec 30, 2014


hill running

five-kilometer run
with some crazy hills

Had a great run with my wife. Although it was only a five km run she worked me hard and running me up and down hills (it felt like 10km). I love that we can be active together. It’s such a nice way to spend quality time doing what we both enjoy. I think we’re sometimes a bit competitive with each other to see who can work our more during the week. It’s all in good fun of course and she apparently has me beat.

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough!
marvin gaye

The run up to Christmas this year was crazy busy at work. I’m normally not easily stressed, but I have to admit there were a few times in the past weeks where I yearned for a deserted island getaway. On those days, I had my workouts to look forward to even on the days when I didn’t want to workout I did. There’s nothing like a hardcore workout to get your blood pumping and putting your mind at rest. Healthy body. Healthy mind.




Physical Activity and Exercise

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