Day 28. F*cking Amazing!

of 365 Daily Activity Challenge!

Physical Activity and Exercise
1 min readDec 30, 2014


in the zone

One-hour and fifteen-minutes chest, triceps
and leftover legs from the day before.

I was in the zone today! Simply amazed at how well my body is adjusting to my diet and routine modifications. I’ve reduced my cardio quite a bit, adjusted my diet and routines and seeing very positive effects. It’s such a great feeling to do exercise after exercise and increase the weight for all of them! Core strength is really good, legs and chest are responding well too!

In the f*cking zone! Increasing weight
across the board and feeling strong!

Patience, patience and more patience. Be steadfast and committed to your workouts. Don’t expect immediate results but don’t be surprised how quickly your body responds either. I’m anxious to see where I’ll be in another six months, year or more. Start somewhere will ya?




Physical Activity and Exercise

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