Day 57. It’s a Long One.

of 365 Daily Activity Challenge!

Physical Activity and Exercise
3 min readJan 26, 2015


stay fit. pushups

Maintaining a daily exercise regime during an insanely busy holiday season was a challenge! Trying to balance the extra demand on my time with the need to make time was difficult but I did manage to get my minimal daily exercise each and every day.

Although I feel leaner and stronger I don’t feel I’m seeing the muscle gains I hoped for. In March, I’m going to see a professional to get some personal trainer advice. I think it’s a combination of, not eating enough muscle building foods, needing to lower my cardio and doing more free weights. Learn from the pros.

Rather than do a daily entry I think it will be easier to do a weekly digest of my daily activity. Live healthy!

Day 31
30 minute walk — Just Danceathon for New Year’s Eve!

Day 32
One hour fifteen-minutes back and abs at gym, bowling and laser tag fun running around with the kids!

Day 33
Twenty-minute walk, very fast 6km run!
Chest and leg workout at the gym.

Day 34
Clearing snow for about three hours and doing my
neighborly good deed by helping the neighbors move snow too!

Day 35
Thirty-five minute walk.

Day 36
Thirty minute walk.
Legs and abs workout at the gym.

Day 37
5km fast run on the treadmill.

Day 38
Funeral day. Visited home to say goodbye to my uncle.
Ran a fast 5 km on my sister’s home treadmill.
Although the day was filled with ups and downs
it was so good to see my sisters and brother, aunts,
uncles and cousins. Miss them incredibly at times like this.

Day 39
5km fast pace run.

Day 40
Fifteen-minute warmup run.
One hour fifteen-minute
Shoulder’s and Leg workout at the gym.

Day 41
Fifteen-minute fast treadmill run.
One hour fifteen-minute
Chest and Triceps workout at the gym.

Day 42
Twenty-five-minute walk.
Dumbbell bicep curls and forearm
workout home gym.

Day 43
6km fast run indoor track.

Day 44
km warm-up run indoor track.
One hour and thirty-minute shoulders, legs
and abs workout at the gym.

Day 45
Fifteen-minute fast warmup run.
Biceps and abs workout at the gym.

Day 46
One hour five-minutes back
and legs workout at the gym.

Day 47
Forty-minute walk.
Forty-five minutes sliding!

Day 48
6km fast run on the treadmill.

Day 49
Dumbbell bicep and abs workout home gym

Day 50
Twenty-five minute run and
abs workout at the gym.

Day 51
6km fast run

Day 52
One hour fifteen-minute back
and legs workout at the gym.

Day 53
One hour fifteen-minute chest and
triceps workout at the gym.

Day 54
6.5km indoor track run,
stair running and push ups!

Day 55
Fifteen-minute fast run.
Thirty-minute walk.

Day 56
Moved snow for three hours!
Helping out neighbors do the same.

Day 57
Dealing with a sore shoulder need to give it time to heal.
Cardio and abs workout in home gym.




Physical Activity and Exercise

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