Are you already a “Data Scientist”?

Damian Ejlli
Physics and Machine Learning
7 min readJul 19, 2021


A fictionally data scientist (image credit from

It happens quite often that someone hears and reads about the term data science and asks the question: What is data science and what do data scientists? This is a fair and important question and in this article, I want to discuss and hopefully help you to understand what is data science and if you already have the skills needed in data science. This article is about all those people who already have at least a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in a STEM field. If you have a Ph.D. followed by a Postdoc in a STEM field, then you are over the top.

Typically it happens that many students and/or researchers finish their university studies/careers and start looking for a new job in academia or industry but they are unsure of what job fits their acquired skills. During their job search, they encounter different job titles, and “data scientist” is one of these titles. Then they ask themselves if they should apply for a data scientist role and if they have the skills needed for a data science job. Let me assure you right now that if you already have at least a bachelor’s and master’s degree in a STEM field, then you already have the skills for a data science job with no need of a prior data science job experience.

There is not a universally accepted definition of data science and this lack of universality creates a lot of confusion among several people. One reason for…



Damian Ejlli
Physics and Machine Learning

Theoretical Physicist (Ph.D), Machine Learning Researcher and Author