It’s Calculus!

Physics Daily
Physics Daily
Published in
3 min readJun 4, 2020

Trust me guys if you want to learn physics and truly appreciate its beauty you need to know calculus. It is essential and there is no way around it. If you have started to feel stressed, don’t stress it will get easier and you will love it more than ever if you try to understand it, the way this branch of mathematics looks at things is just amazing and if you gain mastery over it you will feel like you have the power to analyze and understand the most complicated of things. But if calculus is that one thing you cannot master don’t worry because when it comes to calculus which is required in physics you do not need to master calculus you just need to understand and know the very basic concepts and trust me it is easy and if you want to understand the calculus needed in physics stick with this blog and the upcoming 6 to 7 articles and you will know enough calculus to study most of physics and provided you stick with me for the next 6 to 7 articles I guarantee you that you will not only understand calculus but you will love it. Calculus is so amazing that I can go on talking about it and I may never stop. The credit for developing calculus goes to Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Both of them in the seventeenth century developed calculus independently, this was not something they did together and it is quite a coincidence that two people come with the same idea, during the same time period, in two different places without even knowing each other’s work. I suggest to look at calculus as an idea rather than a subject and you will love the idea.[if you do not understand these images which follow do not worry you will definitely understand all of this from future articles just stay tuned!]

Image by Pixabay.
This is a derivative.

Now calculus is used in physics and everywhere else for studying about things that change constantly with respect to something else or being more specific whose change is not linear thus making algebra insufficient for studying such phenomena and that is the major reason why calculus comes into picture. Examples of various tasks where calculus is used are — deriving fundamental equations, calculating the moment of inertia and center of mass of the object and many more things. Now I completely understand that some of the words I used in the previous line may be completely alien to you but don’t worry if you continue reading my articles you will understand all of these and you will be able to teach them to everyone else, you can consider the upcoming articles to be a very interesting physics class. Calculus has two parts- Differential calculus and Integral calculus.

Definite Integral
This is an integral.

In the next article we will talk about differential calculus. Hope you enjoyed, Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow!

Area under the curve using integration.
Area under the graph using integrals [ One of the Application of Calculus]. By area I mean area under the whole Curve [from a to b].

P.S. — Please leave comments and any suggestions which you think might may improve the quality of these articles.Thanks!



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