The Fundamental Equations.

Physics Daily
Physics Daily
Published in
2 min readJun 16, 2020

Oh, the beautiful kinematical equations you must have used them in your physics class at some point of time but have you ever wondered where do these come from? Try and guess, c’mon think, you guessed it right they come from the definitions of the physical quantities- acceleration, velocity and displacement to name a few and to mathematically present them to us calculus is used.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

But first of all what is displacement, well displacement is basically defined to be the shortest path from one point to another and it is a vector quantity, now velocity is the derivative of displacement with time and finally my favorite acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time. Now all the equations we all used in school like v=u+at are meant to be used for constant or zero acceleration only. If you try and use these equations where acceleration is not constant that is that it varies with a variation in time then these equations will not work. So these equations are derived using basic definitions and some help from our dear friend calculus! So with that said take a look at the photographs and see where these equations come from.

First Kinematical Equation
Second Kinematical Equation
Third Kinematical Equations

Also please excuse me for my handwriting. Thanks for reading!



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