Freeman Dyson (1923–2020). Photograph Source: 52 Insights.

A Letter to Freeman Dyson On His 100th Birth Anniversary

One of the greatest intellectual giants of 20th century physics

Sunny Labh
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2023


Dear Freeman Dyson,

A very happy 100th Birthday to you. 🎉

You have been a source of inspiration for me and many others who share your passion for exploring the wonders of nature.

Primarily your works on quantum electrodynamics, random matrix theory, stability of matter, and self-replicating machines has been groundbreaking and influential in advancing our understanding of the physical world. You have also shown great creativity and courage in proposing bold ideas such as the Dyson sphere, the Project Orion, and the Helios propulsion system, which have stimulated our imagination and challenged our limits. (One of my first highschool essays was on Dyson sphere.)

Your books have challenged and enriched my views on science, mathematics, education, religion, and philosophy. You have shown me how to be curious, creative, and courageous in pursuing the truth, wherever it may lead.

You have advocated for a pluralistic and tolerant approach to learning and teaching, respecting the diversity of human minds and cultures. You have also expressed a profound appreciation for the harmony and beauty of both science and religion, without succumbing to dogmatism or fanaticism. You have been a voice of reason and moderation in the debates on climate change, nuclear weapons, and genetic engineering, always seeking for a balance between risks and benefits, and between human needs and environmental concerns.

This approach has greatly influenced my own educational journey, encouraging me to seek knowledge not just for the sake of grades or accolades, but for the sheer joy of discovery and understanding.

You have also taught me how to be humble, respectful, and tolerant of different perspectives and beliefs, even when they contradict or conflict with my own.

You have left a lasting imprint on the history and, most importantly, the culture of science, and on the hearts and minds of countless people who have been touched by your wisdom and generosity.

May you rest in peace.

Sunny Labh

Mentioned in Imagined Worlds (1997)

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Sunny Labh
Physics In History

Science writer and communicator majoring in Quantum Mechanics. Curator of @PhysInHistory on twitter. Twitter: @thePiggsBoson