Published in
4 min readSep 9, 2020

Contents 1 The World’s History Is Being Written

2 We Must Unlock Pi’s Maximum Potential.

2.1 TheCryptoLegend

The World’s History Is Being Written

Here is a Reference to help everyone Visualize the Impact The Pi Network already has Around The World. It’s growing; and Together, We Can Make Pi Grow Even Faster.

We Must Share, Educate, and Inspire all those around Us on what Pi is truly capable of.

March 14, 2019: Pi Network app was officially launched. Global chat room was available. Security circles were available.

May 3, 2019: Pi had surpassed 1,000 Engaged Pi Users.

May 15, 2019: Pi had surpassed 6,000 Engaged Pi Users.

May 20, 2019: Pi has been downloaded in more than 120+ countries.

May 22, 2019: Pi had surpassed 10,000 Engaged Pi Users. The first halving had taken place. Pi hash rates were cut in half across the entire Pi Network.

June 4, 2019: Pi had published the “Core Team” page within the Pi Network App.

June 7, 2019: Pi had been downloaded in more than 175+ countries. France also became the country with the most amount of active miners, which had overthrown the United States who had the most active miners.

June 11, 2019: Pi had surpassed 35,000 Engaged Pi Users.

June 15, 2019: Pi had surpassed 40,000 Engaged Pi Users.

June 17, 2019: Pi had surpassed 50,000 Engaged Pi Users.

June 21, 2019: Pi had updated its FAQ within the Pi Network App.

June 27, 2019: Pi had surpassed 75,000 Engaged Pi Users.

June 28, 2019: Pi officially launched Pi2 day. Pi-themed shirts became available.


July 5, 2019: Pi had surpassed 100,000 Engaged Pi Users. The second halving had taken place. Pi hash rates were cut in half across the entire Pi Network.

July 10, 2019: Pi had launched presence on two Official social media platforms that the Pi users voted would be best for promoting Pi. Facebook and Instagram.



July 12, 2019: Pi launched a new chat feature where users can upvote/downvote messages within the Pi app chat rooms.

July 18, 2019: Pi had surpassed 140,000 Engaged Pi Users.

July 19, 2019: Pi had surpassed 150,000 Engaged Pi Users.

August 2, 2019: Pi had surpassed 200,000 Engaged Pi Users.

August 19, 2019: The Pi Core Team had created a survey for the Pi community to see how the community can help build the Pi Network into an even better platform.

August 23, 2019: The Pi Core Team had created another survey for the Pi community to engage in what makes them care about Pi to help determine the best way to promote it.

August 27, 2019: Pi had surpassed 300,000 Engaged Pi Users.

September 4, 2019: Pi had surpassed 325,000 Engaged Pi Users.

September 9, 2019: Pi had introduced the Earning Team Chat for Pi Miners.

September 14, 2019: Pi had surpassed 375,000 Engaged Pi Users.

September 16, 2019: Pi had surpassed 400,000 Engaged Pi Users.

September 24, 2019: Pi had surpassed 450,000 Engaged Pi Users.

October 3, 2019: Pi had surpassed 550,000 Engaged Pioneers.

October 10, 2019: Pi had surpassed 650,000 Engaged Pioneers.

October 16, 2019: Pi had surpassed 800,000 Engaged Pioneers.

October 25, 2019: Pi had surpassed 900,000 Engaged Pioneers.

October 31, 2019: Pi had surpassed 1,000,000 Engaged Pioneers.

November 14, 2019: Pi had surpassed 1,250,000 Engaged Pioneers.

January 17, 2020: Pi had surpassed 2,500,000 Engaged Pioneers.

February 25, 2020: Pi had surpassed 3,500,000 Engaged Pioneers.

March 14, 2020: Happy Pi Day and welcome to Pi Phase 2! To celebrate, all new and existing Pioneers who mine on Pi Day will have a chance to win 3,141.59 Pi transferred from the Core Team!

April 1, 2020: Pi has released the first Beta version of its Node Software! Achieving this important milestone is the first step towards building the Pi Testnet, and ultimately towards decentralization of the network, one of the two primary goals of Pi’s Phase 2 strategy. Pi Node at node.minepi.com

April 18, 2020: Over 100,000 Pioneers have applied to become Nodes in Pi’s Testnet since we released the first version of the Pi Node software.

July 2, 2020:We’re launching the Pi Apps Platform for developers all over the world to start building their applications with Pi SDK and testing in the Pi Developer Sandbox.

July 8, 2020: Pi had surpassed 6,000,000 Engaged Pioneers.

August 8, 2020: Pi had surpassed 7,000,000 Engaged Pioneers.

August 15, 2020: Our official Twitter handle @PiCoreTeam is now verified on Twitter!

August 21, 2020: Preview the initial Pi Convention agenda topics and apply to our Round 2 speaker application!

August 29, 2020: 100,000 free KYC slots are open to Pioneers over the next few months.

September 5, 2020:New Pi Node version v0.3.4 is available. This version is able to run the blockchain and enable selected candidates to follow the Pi Testnet’s blockchain in real time. This Node version will initiate the Revision Stage of the Pi Testnet.

Come and join PI NETWORK MINING (20 seconds a day, 10 minutes a month, only 2 hours a year!! What’s the value of two hours relative to you? But Pi’s pioneer tester spends only two hours a year and the rest of the time doing what he likes.)

The Pi app only needs to search in Android’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store: PI NETWORK, which can be downloaded for a simple registration.

Invitation code: kyle2051



Enter kyle2051 if you need a code.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/Pi.Network.crypto.community




Independent in digital DLT transition: Why Pi Network Coop? Because Digital Justice Without Force Is Powerless, A Force Without Justice Is Tyrannical.