Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2020

The Pi Marketplace does not currently exist within the Pi Network App. Yet.

However, It exists already in the minds of those who are going to help build it.

Imagine an Online Worldwide Pi Community building thousands of E-Commerce Personalized Online Shops.

Goods and Services will be available for Pi to be exchanged between and among Pi users all over the world.

A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Network will exist. The Stellar Consensus Protocol as well as the Federated Byzantine Agreement Algorithm were designed to build and create thousands of smart contracts between Pi users globally, within seconds.

That world is only a moment away from becoming (Our) Reality.

Services will offer Value to Pi and its Marketplace. Up-and-coming entrepreneurs may not have the funding to finance their own business ideas with their own national fiat currency. However, they have a particular High Income Skill they could offer to the Pi Marketplace that anyone in the world could access with their Pi.

Such young businessmen would build their own brands, and more importantly, their own dreams. Today, we live in a world where that is possible, even for young children. The marketplace does not care how old you are, or how much time you’ve put into your product or service. It only revolves around One Word: Value.

How much Value can you offer the Pi Marketplace?

Goods will offer Value to those who can purchase them with their Pi. More people can purchase goods if more people have the Pi to do so. Those building their own Pi online shops to sell goods are essential to Pi’s success. Some fiat currency will be required to do so, and the risk is higher. However, the return would be greater as Pi gains more value over time.

Because a service is limited due to time as well as the time you have available to offer, unless you can somehow scale that service you offer.

Perhaps such budding entrepreneurs are building their own brands, too. They want to put their flagship products in the hands of many people, so that social proof as well as word of mouth will promote such products. The Pi Marketplace would have the potential to reach clients all over the world without much cost on their own national fiat currency.

You may have missed out on E-bay and Amazon. But trust me when I say this, you won’t want to miss out on this!

The Pi Marketplace will mutate and evolve like a virus that cannot stop replicating itself.

More and more Pi E-Commerce online shops will be created daily as the value of Pi becomes real to many people due to its growing utility.

Many future business owners interested in Pi and its possibilities will seek to build shops that do not exist to capture a market that hasn’t been tapped. Believe that.

The value will grow for each Pi, as the halving takes place again due to the massive growth of users signing up on the platform upon hearing from others that Pi can buy what their fiat currency could buy today. When this happens, Pi going to the Moon may not be a remote possibility.

The prices of goods and services will be determined by the average Pi user’s Pi wallet. It will not be based on the amount of Pi you’ve mined. In fact, the people who will have the average amount of Pi when Pi’s marketplace becomes available have not even joined yet. The majority of The Pi Network’s users will exist later on Pi’s timeline leading up to its resounding success.

If the average Pi user holds around 1,000 Pi today, you wouldn’t see many products or services listed around 10,000 Pi. Because a product or service is only worth as much as what someone else has paid for it. Not for what someone else may pay for it. A ten-dollar item may be worth 10 Pi if we go by this example. The value of the item is not just dependent upon the amount of the average Pi holding, but also on how long it has taken the majority to get to 1,000 Pi. If it’s taken 9 months, 100 Pi may be hard for many to spend easily.

Many people value money based on the time it has taken them to acquire it. How hard they had to work for it is also important. However, time will always matter more when it comes to determining value.

The Pi Marketplace will arrive and be available later in the year of 2019.

Who knows what you could buy with your Pi. A meal, clothes, shoes, gift cards, anything in someone’s yard sale accepting Pi, vegetables and fruits from one’s garden, music lessons, a tutor to learn another language, transportation to get to work, cellphones, watches, haircuts, purses, social media marketing for your business, a tax adviser, real estate, business classes, among many others.

There is no limit to all the possibilities Pi can unlock for the rest of the world.

Come and join PI NETWORK MINING (20 seconds a day, 10 minutes a month, only 2 hours a year!! What’s the value of two hours relative to you? But Pi’s pioneer tester spends only two hours a year and the rest of the time doing what he likes.)

The Pi app only needs to search in Android’s Play Store or Apple’s App Store: PI NETWORK, which can be downloaded for a simple registration.

Invitation code: kyle2051



Enter kyle2051 if you need a code.






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