When will Pi be worth something? When can I turn Pi into “real” money? Pi Network

Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2020


Pi’s holders will be able to turn Pi into “real” money when they either purchase goods and services on Pi’s marketplace or exchange Pi for fiat currency.

Cryptocurrency holders have two options for turning their holdings into “real” money (or to “cash out”): 1) Directly purchasing goods and services with their crypto or 2) exchanging their crypto for fiat currency (e.g., dollars, euro, etc.) on cryptocurrency exchanges.

1) Directly purchasing goods and services with your Pi. Pi Network is building a peer-to-peer marketplace where our members will be able to directly spend Pi to buy goods and services. We aim to start experimenting with in-app transfers of Pi as soon as Q4 2019.

2) Exchanging Pi for fiat currency on cryptocurrency exchanges. Pi’s Core Team does not control when cryptocurrency exchanges (like Binance, Coinbase, Kraken etc.) decide to list Pi. However, Pi will be able to be traded in Phase 3 of the project (i.e., Mainnet). At that point, exchanges can choose to list Pi. In the meanwhile, Pi’s core team is focused on implementing our technical roadmap (see our white paper) to reach phase 3.

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