Lecturer Sarbjit Sarkaria on Connecting Remotely

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1 min readApr 16, 2020

Lecturer Sarbjit Sarkaria of the University of British Columbia shares two important tips for connecting with students remotely by hosting virtual office hours and teaching asynchronously.

Hosting virtual office hours with UrLive

I use a video conferencing tool, url.live, for office hours. I put the link into Piazza, and I say ‘Look, I’m available.’ It’s super simple, the students literally just click the link and it calls me. It’s very convenient, students were quite open with it and were able to screen share.

Recording practical sessions to teach asynchronously

Rather than holding an in-class session, I recorded a video of a hands-on session where I screen share and walk the students through what I wanted to see them doing. And that went really well. I was very happy with it and I think students adopted it well.



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