Professor David Gries on the Importance of Sharing Positive Content

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2 min readMar 24, 2020

Dr. David Gries, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at Cornell University shares how he is using Piazza and Zoom to stay connected with his students while their courses transition online for the remainder of the semester.

Now, more than ever, we need ways to connect with each other in positive ways. Professor Gries recommends using a Piazza post to have instructors and students share uplifting and inspiring content. In his CS2110 class at Cornell, students have a dedicated place to share music and songs that highlight being together, helping one another, tips and videos for what to do to stay safe, and other uplifting and inspiring content.

Professor Gries pins this post to the top of his Q&A feed so that his class can see positivity up front and center. Here are some of the wonderful items shared in the post:

This has been a favorite of ours for years: Stand By Me:

What a wonderful world this could be:

This is a song about every-day people, living together:

Look at how the Italians responded from their apartment balconies to their quarantine. One person said, “The reason I think we do it is that we feel like we’re all one, and not separated like before.”

Italians sing “Bella Ciao” from their windows and balconies:

And then the Germans follow up to support the Italians:

Here’s a gospel song, “The Storm is Passing Over”. You don’t have to be a Christian to enjoy this rendition and its message, to experience some of the joy the performers and audience feel. The conductor is like no other.

This Corona Song tells people to be careful and wash their hands. It has been translated into many different languages. Use the subtitles /closed captions feature:

Here’s a catchy dance about protecting yourself against the coronavirus:

Here’s a song by the Jain’s titled “Corona Se Darona” about Jainism and the coronavirus:

An Indian woman living and working in Hong Kong adapts the song “Imagine” to support China’s fight against the coronavirus:

To pin a post to the top of your class’s Q&A Feed, simply type #pin anywhere in the post, or use the dropdown menu to select “Pin (to the top of everyone’s feed).” Encourage your class to share positive and uplifting content in a shared space to stay connected and keep spirits high.

We will continue to share tidbits from instructors on how you can stay connected. If you have your own insights, email us at and we’ll work to share it with the world.



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