[Alphatest]Alpha Testers, thank you very much for building Pibble ecosystem with us.

PIBBLE_AI content Hub
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018
1st VIP Alpha Tester / Meixian

Hello, this is Pibble.

We are extremely grateful to those that helped with testing the close Alpha version during Q4 in 2018.

Thanks again for your patience with the development of the Android version due to the preceding development of iPhone version geared for the global service. We are almost done with the core development of the Android version, which is being staggered by approximately two months.

With community members who are interested in the developing process of Pibble, we will be sharing details of the various activities and contributions of the testers.

We thank alpha testers again for spotting the bugs and making some very helpful suggestions.

Here is the list of “Best Activity Testers” and “Best Improvement Testers” who have spearheaded improvements in the Pibble service with their brilliant insights.

By kickstarting the marketing process in earnest next year, we will do our best to give priority access and diverse benefits to Pibble VIP Testers.

Best Testers / Comprehensive Activity Parts (Posting+Comments+Upvote)

1st meixian Posting 154, Comments 114, Upvote 342 = 610

2nd Jiun_y Posting 124, Comments 151, Upvote 274 = 549

3rd people Posting 67, Comments 64, Upvote 141 = 272

4th dONekim Posting 56, Comments17, Upvote 171 = 244

5th Davidj Posting 69, Comments 76, Upvote 54 = 199

6th leetaeri Posting34, Comments 24, Upvote130 = 188

7th iamhoon Posting31, Comments 3, Upvote90 = 124

8th kenni_0 Posting 24, Comments 36, Upvote 62 = 122

9th on_dxxhx Posting 39, Comments 24, Upvote 57 = 120

10th dns99999 Posting 35, Comments 10, Upvote 69 = 114

Best Testers / Bug + Improvements Provision Part

Android / so-young Chang

iPhone / JY

Message from the PIBBLE CEO, Treasure Lee (이보람)

Treasure Lee, CEO of PIBBLE

Thank you so much for your help in improving PIBBLE!

I want to congratulations to all our selected testers — we will be sending you some PIB to your Pibble wallets as a token of appreciation. The details of the awards can be checked at Pibble Tester Members Page below.

Thank you so much for helping us improve our platform and I really appreciate all the hard work you put into providing us with feedback. We hope that we can continue to build PIBBLE together in the future.

PIBBLE Official Communities

✅ PIBBLE homepage www.pibble.io

✅ PIBBLE Official Announcement Channel https://t.me/pibble_official

✅ PIBBLE Official Telegram https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

✅ PIBBLE Official Kakaotalk https://open.kakao.com/o/gxjNiGJ

✅ PIBBLE Official Twitter https://twitter.com/pibbleio



PIBBLE_AI content Hub

PIBBLE 2.0, the hub of AI, will be created where you can first experience all AIs that are commercialized.