Commerce functionality added to PIBBLE App!

Bryan High
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2019

What has been going on with the PIBBLE app?

Well, our development team has been busy. I mean, really really busy. Our alpha test has been going great so far and functions after functions are being added, tweaked, improved, and developed. Open alpha will start soon and you will be able to directly download PIBBLE from both the google play store and the app store.

I’m am happy to share with you that commerce functionality has been added into our alpha test version!

As you might know, PIBBLE is aiming to put all the social functions you do online under one roof (or rather in one app). So, as our first step into building our one-stop platform, we added our commerce functionality. At this stage, you can now monetize your contents in a second way besides just earning from those who upvote you.

But, what kind of commerce can I do?

We have all snapped that perfect picture. I can scroll through my gallery and in between pictures of lunch and random screenshotted memes something will stand out. Wow, that picture is framed perfectly, the lighting was amazing and I really encapsulated that moment all in one photo. Maybe the photo is so great that you feel someone should buy it from you, put it in an advertisement and showcase that photo to millions of people. Well, you can do that right now on the PIBBLE app and participate in the stock image market!

The stock image market? What is that?

Every picture or video that you see in some advertisement was obviously taken by someone. But companies don’t just send out their employees to go take pictures when they need it for an ad. They purchase the rights to use that photo from a stock image company. When they purchase the photo, they are then allowed to use it in their advertisements and the photographer gets some money from the stock image market.

One of the larger stock image sites.

What we want to do is widen the scope of the stock image market. We want everyone to be able to participate in it, whether you just snap photos with your iphone or your DSLR is with you so much it should be surgically removed. We want to change how everyone views the content that they create.

Every photo you take and post on a social media platform has some value, but unfortunately that value is going to the platform itself.

How? You post something, people engage with it and keep visiting that social media platform (facebook, instgram…). All of these platforms depend on their users to create the content that keeps people coming back. Without that great content from the users, there would be no reason to open up Instagram. Annoyingly, all that value that you created goes to the platform itself. The platform gets their revenue from advertisers looking to target their users and they get to keep all of that money. That’s not fair for me or you. Why is the money that my content creates lining the pockets of Mark Zuckerberg? When was the last time facebook sent you some cash for your latest photo?

Your content. His money.

Pibble will revolutionize how you view your content. It has value, you should be the one earning from it.

We want to help everyone earn from their photo content. Why should the stock image market be limited? Why should the social media sites that I use keep all of that money?

PIBBLE has got your back. We thought about that and have created a way for you to join easily, without additional registration, and start earning now. Let’s look at what you can do and discuss that functionality a little bit.

I personally really like taking photos of graffiti. Something about the combination of the striking artwork and the fact that it is illegal is really appealing.

It is kind of like the Snapchat of artwork, you never know when your next visit there will be greated with a white wall.

Taken by me in Seoul, maybe nice enough for an advertisement?

I thought that photo might even be good enough that someone wants to purchase the rights to use the photo from me. Maybe they want to use it in an advertisement for a new brand of dog sweaters? Maybe it is good enough that coke is considering using it as a backdrop for some advertisement? Well, I can just upload it to PIBBLE and it is available for anyone to purchase. Not only that, but it will still appear on the main feed and be available for upvotes as well.

5 Easy steps: select the photo, write a description, add tags, choose your price, set the rights. DONE. Your photo can instantly start earning you money.

Why not give it a try yourself? I am sure you have a picture that is worth purchasing.

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