From amateur to professional, PIBBLE for your next step.

Bryan High
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2019

Do you have some dream?

Not to sound like your school counseler here, but having some dream is important. Too many of us are stuck in our dead-end jobs (not me here at PIBBLE, thankfully) just trying to get through the day to cover our bills and take that one vacation a year. But, what are we doing while we are bored at work pretending to type away at that excel spreadsheet your boss needs by 5pm?

Busy in Outlook….wait that is actually hidden Reddit (

Well, doing and reading things that we enjoy. Particularly, trying to find ways to check out our SNS without the boss catching us or maybe reading up on our favorite hobbies. PIBBLE wants to create an SNS that can help earn you rewards for the time you spend engaging on our platform. Our goal is to help everyone get to the next level (or at least get some reward for their content, how about at least a beer on us for your photos?).

With this in mind, let’s talk about a few cases for users that might benefit from using our service and what PIBBLE can do to take them to the next level.

Screams. Sweat. Lights. Sounds. Music. EDM?

Starting out as in the EDM world can be tough. Everyone can easily download Ableton Live, pop on some glowstick bracelets, and call themselves a DJ. However, what separates a DeadMau5 from a wannabe?

Call me DJ Egg Yolk, mixing the hottest beats to put the E in EDM.

People have to listen to your music. If I throw on some samples and sing my heart out into the mic, nobody wants to hear that. But, let’s say you are producing music that people want to hear, you actually have some skill but nobody has heard your music yet. Want to keep playing it for your cat or do you want to do something?


Got a phone? Got a recording of your music? You are ready for PIBBLE. We can help you expand that reach of your music. Through posting on our platform, you can expose your contents to more people. Not only that, it is automatically monetized internationally through cryptocurrency.

Do people like your music? They listen, you get rewarded.

Do you want to market to get more listeners? Use your rewards to run a campaign on PIBBLE and people will get connected to your content. Create a snowball effect. More listens, more rewards, more campaigns, more attention. Now you are on tour thanks to promoting your music on PIBBLE.

The lines. The delicate letter work. The hint of color accents. Unfortunately, it’s a butterfly lower back tattoo.

You are a tattoo artist. Some days it’s all single word tattoos on knuckles. Another day it is endless tattoos of the infinity symbol. Then that special customer walks in. It’s totally your style. They have a vision of what they want and you have the talent to put that vision onto their body forever. Obviously, this is a portfolio piece you want to use to show off to everyone. But, where do you show it off?

Nice tattoos but let’s try to keep our shirts on in coffeeshops.


As tattoos have entered the mainstream more and more, people want to see pictures of excellent artist’s work. It isn’t just to view the beautiful art, it is a means to connect with their future tattoo artist. On PIBBLE, you get to expose our users to your best pieces and get cryptocurrency rewards from that interest. As they like your contents, you are not only building up your personal brand, but building your future client base. Then, you can put your rewards back into marketing your brand or into your wallet. Do you want your own tattoo studio? Now you got it.

Selfies. Lighting. Beaches. Food. Filters. Fashion. Makeup. Fitness. Cats. Dogs. Alpacas. Rhinos. Triceratops.

Ok, I got a bit carried away at the end.

You are a social media influncer (or want to become one). That all day everyday posting hustle. New Vlogs featuring your makeup tips. Another one playing a prank on your friend. Maybe even a cheeky instagram post of yourself in the gym.

But, what are you getting for it so far? You haven’t hit the level to get a sponsorship. You scroll through instagram and one influencer is shilling some tea that makes you… well use the bathroom regularly as part of a diet. If only there was a way to monetize this contents to help me get to that next level. It’s not cheap taking a picture of your starbucks cup every day.


Again, PIBBLE is here to help you make that transition from wannabe influencer to actual influencer. By posting content that people want to see, your upvotes turn into cryptocurrency. As long as you put up content that generates interest, each users clicks turn into money in your pocket. That seems much better than searching out your own sponsorships right? No more shilling products you couldn’t care less about.

But, what about other groups that could benefit from our platform? Let’s look next at the Entertainment business and PIBBLE will help them out.

Our Goal: to merge the social image market and professional image market by creating a new business model for monetization of great contents.

As always, follow us on our other social media:





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