[IT] PIBBLE service plans / schedule

Hyungjoon Yoo
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2018


It’s already half past May! It feels like time is passing by so fast

Like we said we want to show you guys our plans, PIBBLE’s future and the service PIBBLE wants to provide.

First of all here are the PIBBLE’s development plans.

· Alpha v0.5: Within August Alpha version will be released to general public (Korean version): For a month or so we plan on communicating with Korean users and make necessary fixes, updates and take suggestions from the community and communicate with the community itself.

· Alpha v0.6: Within September service will launch internationally.

· Beta v0.8 will be available within October.

Service Details

Order of the development can change and we are planning on posting an individual post about the service.

1. Sympathy value

Planning on creating a platform similar to Instagram but with a reward system where one can be rewarded for the contents that they upload with “Social Values” by receiving coins/brush when their contents are upvoted.

Here, Social Value is something that gives a work a value by bringing out sentiment and sympathy.

Company will also incorporate additional rewards for contents that get upvotes, elevating their social value even more.

2. Commerce Value –P2P Commerce

Today, endless amounts of products are uploaded on Instagram, resulting in followers consuming and purchasing those products that are uploaded.

PIBBLE service also aims to upload commerce contents like this and and a direct P2P commerce by providing an escrow service through coins.

3. Curation Value

Users in PIBBLE can participate in the platform even if they don’t generate contents by creating a collection with a specific theme like Pinterest. These collections can be exposed to other users and by getting upvotes users can be rewarded with Brushes. This reward will be distributed to not only the curators but also the original uploaders. This system will evolve into something that can be suitable for K-Star collection etc.

4. Crowd Funding

Users in PIBBLE can choose to crowd fund to raise money for their social networking needs. By sharing their funding information, plans, goal amount, reward etc users can send their PIBBLE coins or brushes to them and support them.

This “story funding” revolves around raising money for trips to take photos, charity funds etc. PIBBLE will also aim to be a social corporate by selecting few photo trips or charity fund raise events and partially funding them.

7. P2P Marketing

For business users who want to appeal their contents and get recognized they can choose to distribute coins/brushes to those who have followed them like FollowMe. This is a P2P marketing system that coincides with the blockchain concept itself which can develop into a P2P advertisement by not only following system but also with direct brand exposure through contents creators.

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This is the development plans for now

Since there are a lot to share about the service plans we will get to know that later with another post :D

Next week, we plan on bringing you guys some good news along with a webpage remodeling! So check it out when you can!

Have a nice weekend and see you guys in the next post!

As always, thank you guys for all your support :D!

