[NEWS] First Closed Alpha Test User Orientation

Aaron Kim
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2018

Greetings from the PIBBLE Team!

We had held an Alpha Test Orientation on September 16th.

We opened our closed Alpha Test only to Korean community members, but when the Alpha phase is completed, PIBBLE lovers around the globe can participate on the open beta test. Please stay tuned!

We would also like to extend our thanks to the testers who came to our event.

The objectives of the orientation and tester recruiting are as follows:

  1. To advance the PIBBLE service together with “community members”
  2. To get reports of functions in the first alpha version through testing and gather basic data for reward balance structure.
  3. To build user-friendly interface before the actual launching through recruiting more testers.

With the above objectives in mind, we successfully finished our orientation with an extensive Q&A discussion with participants.

Recording for educational contents
Jay explaining installing and how-to-use PIBBLE app
Photo of our testers :)

Within the test plan starting from the First Alpha Test Orientation, PIBBLE will work hard to apply improvements to make a more user-friendly PIBBLE ecosystem.

Thank you,


PIBBLE Official Communities

✅ PIBBLE homepage www.pibble.io

✅ PIBBLE Official Announcement Channel https://t.me/pibble_official

✅ PIBBLE Official Telegram https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

✅ PIBBLE Official Kakaotalk https://open.kakao.com/o/gxjNiGJ

✅ PIBBLE Official Twitter https://twitter.com/pibbleio

“PIBBLE, Blockchain-based Monetized Image Ecosystem”

