PIBBLE Project5 & Pickthumb Results

Bryan High
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019

Project 5 (Allbit/Upbit)

Hello everyone! Again, we really want to thank everyone for their support in helping us rank 3rd in Project5.

If you didn’t already see, on March 20th 3pm KST, PIBBLE was added to BTC/ETH exchange on Allbit. Concerning the Upbit listing, we have already had a meeting with Upbit about our listing. However, as with all exchange negotiations, we cannot comment or provide a timeline for the listing process due to NDA. So, when there is an official announcement look here for the update.

Pickthumb (Bithumb)


Conun (CON) 62,089 votes
Ankr (ANKR) 15,895 votes
Pibble (PIB) 15,751 votes
Cosmo Chain (COSM) 9,428 votes

In regards to Pickthumb event, we placed in 3rd by less than a 1% margin in the competition which unfortunately means we will not automatically be listed on Bitthumb. We want to thank all our great supporters in Korea who helped us perform so well and are disappointed that the result was so close. However, we are going to push Bithumb listing as best as we can due to our great performance in the event. We believe that the tiny margin of difference between our results and ANKR proves that the interest in PIBBLE is sufficient to be listed on the exchange. If we have any updates, I will also provide it here and on our other SNS channels.

As always, follow us on our other social media:

Homepage: https://www.pibble.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pibbleio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pibbleio

Need to ask a question? Contact me directly on Telegram


