PIBBLE — information on Alpha Tester Recruitment

PIBBLE_AI content Hub
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2018

The recruiting process for Pibble’s Android-alpha version which was originally planned in 4Q 2018 is also in progress.

About Alpha Service 2nd Tester

The recruiting process for Pibble’s Android-alpha version which was originally planned in 4Q 2018 is also in progress.

We will proceed with the recruitment of secondary alpha testers of the Android alpha version, which was originally planned in 4Q 2018 according to the roadmap of the whitepaper. This second round of recruitment invites new Android alpha testers for Pibble community members, and the current iOS tester segment is also inviting additional testers.

The objectives of the Android alpha tests are to (1) adjust the Pibble compensation system, (2) add and delete functions, and (3) improve product and service quality. These tests will complement the social media activities related to Pibble’s services.

As offline training is critical prior to participating in the tests, the recruiting targets has been limited to Korea. We request your understanding of the circumstances.

Chosen applicants will commence with Alpha orientation and help develop Pibble’s services as a member of the Pibble family. News of the training and progress will be constantly provided for our global users.

Thank you.

PIBBLE team.

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