Pibble New User Guide

Bryan High
Published in
5 min readJul 4, 2019

New to Pibble? Here is a summary of the most frequent questions and answers on how to use the service!

What is Pibble?

Pibble is a social media built with the foundation built on blockchain (a bit complicated to explain) that will protect and reward content creators. You can think of Pibble as a social media just like instagram that has a few key differences. First, you can actually earn from posting your contents. Each like/upvote you recieve can be converted into PIB (our cryptocurrency) and then exchanged for actual money. Also, Pibble allows you to sell your photos, similar to the stock image market, as another way to make money. Additionally, we have more functions upcoming in later verions that will add charity, crowdfunding, and a way to promote your posts to other users. In one sentence, Pibble is instagram except you get paid.

The 6 Key functions on Pibble

What is PIB (pibble token?)

PIB is a cryptocurrency (think bitcoin) that is the way we create value on the platform. This cryptocurrency can be exchanged for money on a cryptocurrency exchange (full guide on how to do this coming soon). Also, it is the currency used for any transactions within the platform.

How do I earn on the platform?

The best way to earn on the platform is to start posting photos. Every like/upvote that they recieve will earn you PIB. As with all social media, there is a point of diminishing returns where posting additional content will not earn you as much rewards. What is the ideal number right now to post? I would say 2~3 daily posts seems like the best way to participate on the platform.

Pibble Discovery Tab

Can I repost my pictures from Instagram?

Of course! That is probably the easiest and least effort way to start participating on the platform. I am sure you have great content already on Instagram, how about putting those pictures to work on Pibble and actually earning from those posts.

What are Red Brush and Green brush?

Red brush(PRB) and Green brush(PGB) are the upvote system within Pibble.

Green Brush(PGB): This is what you use to upvote/like other user’s content. When you upvote, your green brush will be removed and given to the other user as red brush. Green brush has no benefit to you and is only used for upvoting/liking content.

Red Brush(PRB): When you recieve an upvote/like from another user, you automatically get that amount in red brush. This red brush can then be converted to PIB within the wallet (more later) and converted to cash on a cryptocurrency exchange. Additionally, this can be converted to PGB if you wanted to upvote other people’s content but you do not have enough.

What should I do first?

Post a great picture on the platform! The better the picture you post, the more people who are likely to upvote the content.

What kind of content should I post?

Think about anything you would post on Instagram and that would fit great on Pibble. Selfies, pictures of food, pictures from your vacation, your pets, really anything that you think is interesting should do well.

How about pictures from your last vacation?

How do I post my first picture?

On the Home feed, you can on the + button and then click on camera (this will give you the choice to open your album or take a new photo. Add a description, pick a location, and use hashtags that fit the picture. Then click post and your first photo is up for everyone to see!

Pictures uploaded to Pibble

What is the commerce function?

The commerce function allows you to sell your photo for other users to view or download. It even has settings from the stock image market that will allow you to license the photo for them to use in marketing, advertising, and additional ways. Additionally, anyone who purchases the photo, can get access to the full resolution file and will be able to zoom in as they please. As the platform goes forward and we gain more users, this will be a central way to earn.

Commerce uploads

How do I exchange my rewards for PIB/PGB?

If you would like to exchange your rewards you need to click on the wallet icon in the top right of the home screen then click wallet. Once you enter your pin number (will create on the first opening) you can then click change. There, you can exchange PRB →PRB, PRB →PIB, or PIB →PGB.

Wallet icon →Wallet →Change →PRB to PIB

Why can I not upvote someone?

**note: This information will change we adjust the ratio for bonuses for participating on the platform**

As stated before, PGB is used as the system to upvote other people’s content on the platform. In the current state as a level 1 user, the first picture you post earns you 10/30 PGB. This will allow you to upvote 1/3 other people’s contents. You can also exchange your rewards for more upvotes. Starting from your earned Pibble Red brush you would need to convert (PRB →PIB, PIB →PGB) to have more upvotes.

Note: if you exchange PIB →PGB that can only be used for upvotes at that point, you cannot convert your PGB back!

As always, follow us on our other social media:

Homepage: https://www.pibble.io/

Medium: https://medium.com/pibbleio

Telegram: https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pibbleio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pibbleio

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkMYrB69xASlhSW3DcYsPsA

Need to ask a question? Contact me directly on Telegram


