PIBBLE_AI content Hub
Published in
2 min readSep 20, 2019


Top Pibble Guide

■Top Pibble Summary

Top Pibble is an event that will reward the most popular posts within the Pibble app every day and reward up to 1 million PIB.

The rewards from Top Pibble will be awarded for the most popular posts for every 24 hours, 1 hour, and in real-time (scheduled for every 10 minutes).

■New policy(2019–10–30)

Change the distribution of prize money

The prize money distribution has been changed to a tournament.

In the past, winner had all the prize money, but

winner and participants’ll share the prize money in half.

For example if the prize money is 500,000,

250,000 is given to the winner and 250,000 is distributed to the all participants.

■New policy(2019–09–19)

New changess in Top post events,
every friday, a new winner is born!

If you haven’t been in a Top post before, try it!

1. Those who were selected as winners per daily
->daily winner(x) , hourly winner(o)

2. Those who were selected as winners per hour
->daily winner(o), hourly winner(x)


Most Popular Posts (24 Hours) :

-1st : 1,000,000

-2nd : 100,000

-3rd : 50,000

Most Popular Post (1 hour) :

-1st : 10,000

Most Popular Post (Real-time) :

-1st : 1,000

■Award Information

-The popularity rank is calculated by adding up the number of upvotes, comments, follower number, number of post views and upvote amount, and the level of the users, The exact score calculation method is being kept private in order to prevent abuse.

-The most popular posts for every 24 Hours have a basic scoring system, so even if you fail, you can receive rewards in a total of 8 steps ranging from 300,000 to 1 million.

-All awards will be provided in a combination of red and green brush at a 7:3 ratio. Red brush is able to be converted into PIB coin and green brush can be used to upvote other users.

-The reward breakdown can be viewed on the leaderboard.

-Real-time award system is expected to be implemented.

-All rules ranging from selection of most popular posts to award amount given can be subject to change.

■Top pibble guide

1. Signup for Pibble App.

2. Upload great contents that others would love.

3. The more followers and friends that you have, the more people that will see it, and the more popular it will be.

4. The more friends upvote your comments, the more popular it will become. One easy way is to invite your friends/followers to Join Pibble.

5. Higher level users who upvote your contents will have a large effect on the ranking. A great way to do this is to actively rewarding out your brush to other users/followers to increase their level.



PIBBLE_AI content Hub

PIBBLE 2.0, the hub of AI, will be created where you can first experience all AIs that are commercialized.