What is PIBBLE platform? (part 3)

Bryan High
Published in
5 min readMar 3, 2019

Interested in learning more about our platform? What else can I do besides crowdfund my trip to photograph silkie chickens?

Not your everyday chicken.


Oh….another cryptocurrency wallet.

Yes it is a cryptocurrency wallet, but because it is part of our PIBBLE platform, it has a variety of advantages.

Want to send some money to your friend? Tired of Paypal or Venmo slipping their sticky hands into your transactions to get their %? PIBBLE wallet will allow you to seamlessly send cryptocurrency to another wallet with a low transaction fee. Not only PIBBLE tokens, but other cryptocurrencies including BTC/ETH will be eligible to be sent wallet to wallet.

PIBBLE does not encourage you to carry giant money in a backpack. Cryptocurrency is safer.

Need to split the bill for dinner with your friend?

Open up that PIBBLE wallet and send your half of the bill to the PIBBLE wallet of your friend who paid with his credit card. BAM! It’s done right then and there faster than your waitress came back with their credit card.

PIBBLE wallet acts as intermediary with very low commission to send your payment instantly while also providing escrow services for secure payments.

Easy, safe, done cheap.

Look at that beautiful wallet.

Social Media P2P Marketing System

Great….another social media using my information to throw advertisements my way.

Nope. Not at PIBBLE. I hate it when I am scrolling through my social media feeds and I get bombarded with advertisements targetted from my data. Click a link for a cute dog on the internet? Great, now my timeline is full of advertisements for leashes and dog houses. Mentioned that you were thinking of buying a new Hyundai? Cars upon cars upon cars.

PIBBLE has got your back. We won’t blow up your feed with advertisements from your data. We respect your privacy. You shouldn’t have to look through half a feed of garbage you have no interest in.

But… there will be some advertisement system right?

Yes, we will allow a different type of advertising to be done on the platform. Introducing our P2P social media marketing system. Let’s say you are a fantastic photographer looking to get your photos in front of some eyeballs. What can you do besides spamming every available website and trying to out-hashtag the best of them?

With PIBBLE, you can set your own advertising budget (how much PIB/PIB brush you want to use.) Then, start your campaign using tags such as FollowMe, GiftBrush, Brushtag and other various mechanisms.

Other users get connected with your beautiful photos and become lifelong fans.

They get rewarded from part of your budget and you get that exposure you wanted. The users themselves get to choose if they want to participate in your campaign to be rewarded. That way, you can connect with users that will value your services.

As the service expands, premium brands will be able to participate and market on the platform. Bigger brands means bigger value to both our users and the PIB ecosystem. I think that system sounds better than that 1000th advertisement of the day taking up space in your social media feed, right?

Expert Marketplace for Photography Experts.

​Experts who are expert at their expertise will be able to expertly execute excellent...contents.

3 cameras were used in the taking of this photo. No cameramen were harmed.

What do you mean by an expert marketplace?

On the PIBBLE platform, we have a variety of user levels depending on your level of activity, quality of your contents, and engagement in your posts. Great photos that have interest to our community are great photos. Whether you are the selfie master who gets everyone’s interest or a professional illustrator creating beloved comics, PIBBLE can help you out.

Anybody can become an expert, even you. Well, maybe not everyone.

Not grandmaw here, she seems to not know where the button is.

After attaining an expert level on the platform, you will be able to upload Full HD contents and benefit from our blockchain-based copyright protection and be able to sell your photos on the platform.

Blockchain-based copyright protection and money? Sign me up.

Yes, you heard that right, blockchain-based copyright protection and cryptocurrency from the usage of your contents. Through our BitDNA technology, we will be able to protect the copyright of professional contents through the blockchain. How? Our technology will extract the characteristics of the contents, hash its value, and write the hashed value into the blockchain. Then, we can confirm whether each content is original by comparing multiple hash values and seeing whether it is a duplicate or not.

Also, because of the nature of blockchain technology, both ownership and contents can be managed together and maintained on the blockchain. Nobody can edit or delete records so the images movement processes will be tracked in real-time. Maintain the ownership of what you create!

Become an expert, get that copyright on the blockchain, make PIBBLE and protect your amazing creations.

Has there already been 3 of these explanations of the PIBBLE platform? Well guess what, there is more! Maybe you heard the phrase PIBBLE brush when talking about PIBBLE. In the next part, we will find out about what PIBBLE brush is, how to get it, how to use it, and more.

Part 4 is ready for you!

Didn’t read parts 1 & 2? (Actually, why did you start on part 3?). Go back and check them out here:

As always, follow us on our other social media:

Homepage: https://www.pibble.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pibbleio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pibbleio

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