What is PIBBLE Platform? (part 6)

Bryan High
Published in
6 min readMar 10, 2019

Interested in learning more about our platform? What else can I do once I climb up the power ranking ladder?​ Let’s get into it.

Social Networking Sites need people.

That’s probably not the most profound statement you have read today. But, it is the truth. If we built the PIBBLE platform and it was just me taking pictures of my lunch, it wouldn’t really be a social network would it? While my mom might be interested in seeing the Bibimbap I had for lunch, we might want to think about who else could participate on our platform.

Is it dinner time yet?

With this in mind, we identified four key groups we are going to try and bring into our network and the value that we can provide to each group.

Everyone should be on PIBBLE.

Yes, everyone should be on PIBBLE. Your friend who rides one of those bikes with the one big wheel in front and one tiny wheel in back? Sure, hipsters are welcome on PIBBLE. The guy down the street with the really loud car that wakes you up when he leaves in the morning? Annoying, but yah let’s see that car on PIBBLE. What about that cute cat that you see in the window of your neighbor’s house while you are walking to the subway station? Well, a cat can’t join the network directly but maybe the lady can join and start showing us that beautiful cat.

Look at him in that sneaker.

PIBBLE: a platform for cats, cars, and even hipsters.

But really, PIBBLE is for all the communities. We would love to see groups pop up for all interests, ranging from cosmetic enthusiasts to toy reviewers. You remember when you used to log into facebook in the morning to see some great content instead of fight about politics with your uncle? That’s what we would like to bring back to social media.

The best part is everyone gets rewarded for uploading their content on the platform.

Indie Artists should be on PIBBLE.

Are you a soundcloud rapper pounding the pavement to get some ears to listen to your fire lyrics? What about a budding artist with notebooks full of illustrations? Maybe you are a photographer who specializes in modern adaptations of the Maori Ta Moko tattoo tradition? How about a new documentarian trying to get funding to cover the lives of chicken farmers in West Viriginia? What if you… ok you get the idea, any kind of indie artist.

But really, we want to help you turn that hobby or passion into a career. Unfortunately, playing your music to your dog doesn’t get you any progress towards being the next Jay-Z. Notebooks full of illustrations can make you happy but won’t help buy your next pencil set. Great photos of neo-versions of traditional tattoos only go so far when you are getting paid in exposure. A dream to make a documentary about chicken farmers isn’t easy to get funding.

PIBBLE can help get you to that next level. All engagements with your contents can be used to help fund the next project. We provide you with a platform that has automatic monetization for your content without forcing your audience to watch advertisements.

Entertainers should be on PIBBLE

Famous people are the most followed people on all social media networks. Of course. People want to see their content from photos of their daily life to beautiful shots of them on the red carpet. But that creates a conundrum for many of these entertainers. While their outreach can continue to expand, it is hard for them to protect their own brand identity and portrait rights.

Also, while public attention feels great, many of them want to find a way to monetize their social media activities. Guess what that means for their followers? Pictures of celebrities holding up diet tea. Pictures of celebrities with their new Yoga Mat. Pictures of celebrities with all kinds of random products they are getting paid to push.

Sponsored by Pink Yoga Mats for you.

But, PIBBLE has a solution to help solve the need for entertainers to take brand deals while still motivating them to post on the platform. If their images can already be monetized, why would they have to continually push products that might not care about? We aren’t saying that brand deals will disappear completely, but how about more content that you care about from the famous people you follow? If we can change the attitude that our photo contents have value, and allow monetization and protection of these photos, entertainers would be more willing to share photos without a product to reimburse them for their time. I think our platform can change this!

Professional Groups should be on PIBBLE

Ah, stock photos. The thing that all of us content creators without a great camera have to rely on to make our websites look amazing. Need a picture of an older person using a computer to upload on your homepage? They have them. Need some photos of surfers to drive traffic to your surf shop? You can choose from 1000s that professional photographers uploaded for your use.

Image by Pexels on Pixabay

Unfortunately, for all those great photographers supplying us with stock images, they aren’t getting properly compensated for their time and skill. Large stock image companies themselves have a difficult time tracking the usage of the images on other sites and fierece competition has constantly driven down prices. At the same time, the photographers themselves do not receieve enough of the money spent on their stock photos.

With PIBBLE, we can help these photographers to get more benefit from the usage of their photos. On the platform, images can be purchased from uploaders and used on other platforms or other locations. With our BitDna blockchain-based technology, we can take the characteristics of the photo, hash it and upload it into the blockchain. Then it is easy to track the usage on the blockchain and know when the photo is authorized to be used or not.

We expect the copyright protection and more equal compensation can lead PIBBLE to be a strong partner in the stock image market.

Our Goal: to merge the social image market and professional image market by creating a new business model for monetization of great contents.

Missed part 1? How did you get to part 6? How about going back to the start!

As always, follow us on our other social media:

Homepage: https://www.pibble.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/pibbleio_eng

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pibbleio/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/pibbleio

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