Studious India, Benefiting Abroad? Part 1.

Namrata Khatwani
6 min readAug 24, 2020


Luxuries are a part of life that puts dearth against quantity, but can patriotism change your options?

Why do Indians choose to go abroad? What are the possible reasons to live in Foreign?

Money- When the first mass migration of Indians happened to foreign lands, it was mainly for money. Wherever Indians went, they quickly adapted to the ways of the land and gelled in. They made for an easily manageable workforce who were willing to work hard for much lesser than the people of the country itself. The money they were getting paid was way better than what they were being paid back home and even though it was lesser than what was being paid to the locals, Indians more than willingly accepted it. They used this money to build their dreams back home. Even now, foreign exchange makes up for a huge part of India’s national income.

Education- Higher Education is excellent abroad, as they’re the best universities worldwide. The one thing most US universities, and other abroad countries can get you is funding. If you have a better idea. You get the fund to do the required research in your field.

Self-discovery- When someone moves abroad, you move out of your comfort zone. Coming into a completely different culture is exciting for many. They wish to discover themselves by placing them in a complete remote environment and hope to discover more about themselves. Moving abroad can also give a person an ample of confidence. Especially if one is moving to a culture totally different than their own and in a country with a different first language.

Opportunities- One can have an opportunity to make better use of their skill. Seldom does anyone move to a place where there are less opportunities than their home country.

Parents- Parents are becoming old day by day, and we have to look after them. As they spend their entire lives, making us pursue our dreams, for their growth and enhanced lifestyle, you tend to find luxury for them and for yourself too. Better quality of life, Enhanced life-style, upgraded social standards seems to be worth it.

Work-life balance- Weekends, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New years are off! One can pretty much set their own time for work.

Travel- Back in India, the only family vacations one can have is a yearly visit to my relative’s place. People here travel more, they go out on weekends!

What are the disadvantages of staying in the country? Are there any problems in their native country?

A lot of investments required to study abroad, parents getting worried
A lot of investments required to study abroad.

Problems faced by students in India:

Reservations- In India, reservations are pretty much higher. Basically, the jobs in the Indian government are given based on the caste system but not based on the merit of a particular person. Many may argue in this stating that reservations are necessary, yes they are required, but it should be given based on Financial condition but not based on caste.

If a person from SC or ST can quickly get into top NIT/IIT just with 50 marks, on the contrary, the cut off for the general category guy is much higher. (Source: YOUTUBE)

JEE Cut-off, for 2015
JEE Cut-off

Let’s take another example — the IES examination.

IES Examination qualifying criteria, for 2018
IES Examination qualifying criteria.

If a person with ST category scoring a mark of 150 can make him an IES officer, it is not possible for a general category guy.

No Tax benefits- Let’s suppose an average Indian who is 35 years old earning around 15 LPA (Lakhs Per Annum) pays up around 25% of the tax that is almost 4 lakhs, but does he benefit from the government? The citizen pays approximately 30 years * 4 lakhs which is almost equal to 1.2 crores, without any benefits!

Traffic and Pollution- In the majority of developed countries, the traffic rules are strictly followed, and the pollution levels are comparatively lower, but here in India festivals like Diwali make it impossible for people to breathe in fresh air.

Medical facilities- The medical facilities are very good in foreign countries like Italy, Germany and the USA, and moreover the insurance companies in these countries ensure that they give proper medical facilities. Other good examples are, Canada’s universal, publicly funded health-care system — known as Medicare — is a source of national pride, and a model of universal health coverage. It provides relatively equitable access to physician and hospital services through 13 provincial and territorial tax-funded public insurance plans.

Source: Medicare, Canada.

While in India, Medical Insurance is passed only up to 40% of the bill issued by the hospital, even after rigorous fights with the company, the court’s decision is inclined towards the bigger business.

Source: Issues with Indian health insurance companies.

Judgmental Society- People here in India, seem to be very judgmental and narrow minded with the norms. Indian society can be very cruel when it comes to passing judgments. A single individual’s behavior becomes a representation of the entire clan. So a lot of people live in perpetual fear of ‘what will people say’ and hold back from doing many things they would have otherwise liked to do. After going abroad, if the students aren’t able to find the correct comfort and money that is being provided to them, and they decide to return back, they cannot. This is because of the judgments passed, and dignity of the family goes down the hill.

Protesting students for basic rights in India.
Protest for basic student rights.

We all can agree on these aspects of a developing country, but I suppose everyone should know about the efforts being put by our honorable PM Mr. Narendra Modi. He has put up several schemes in healthcare, not only to help poor people, but also people of all castes, class, creed, religion and race.

But what is it like to be in abroad, with the extreme weather conditions and immense freedom? Do they face problems within their culture, modern culture? Why do the citizens think of coming back?

A little shady, A little hasty. But can opportunities heal the broken faith of patriotism? Researching is important, as the next article speaks. Answers to the questions is coming up soon, Be tuned for the rest of the piece in the next article!

Coming up next: What is it like for an Indian student to study abroad?, Problems faced by students while studying abroad, Words from the people who left their motherland, but they are coming back now!!

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Namrata Khatwani
Writer for

Eager to know? I am a writer and a computer enthusiast. Perfection interests me, Karma doesn’t.