Conclusion of MANTIS Games Season 1 & Introduction of MANTIS Credits

Picasso Network
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2024

This blog outlines the final statistics from Season 1, our acknowledgment of the community’s participation and feedback, and the details of upcoming features, including MANTIS Credits.

Season 2 Coming soon.

MANTIS Games Season 1 Overview

Season 1 of the MANTIS Games has provided essential insights and set a foundation for the enhancements to come. Here are some critical statistics from the season:

🧑‍💻 Users: 5877 participants across 63 teams.
💰 Total Value Locked (TVL): approximately $25M
💸 Total Rewards: 35M PICA and 4M BLZE
📈 Average APY: 11.6% APY
🏆 Winning Team: Soylana

Note, 40% of total sales proceeds earned from NFT auctions are being distributed back to MANTIS games NFT holders in the coming days.

Winners of Season 1

We congratulate the Winning Team and Team Leader (NFT Holder) of Season 1 of MANTIS Games. The winning team, Soylana, achieved a total team deposit of $9,311,510. Detailed information regarding the rewards and the formal recognition process will be communicated directly to the winners.

To summarize the benefits awarded to the winners, as outlined in our initial blog:
Winning Team Rewards: Team Soylana will receive 80% of accrued fees (excluding fees distributed to restakers and pica stakers) for the first 30 days following the official launch of Solana IBC.

Team Leader Bonus Incentives: The Team Leader will receive 15% of the total Winning Team Rewards.

Introducing Season 1 MANTIS Credits

Based on the deposits in Season 1 of MANTIS Games, we are retroactively awarding credits to depositors. Season 2 will be starting shortly which will be ███████████████ MANTIS. Starting now, all deposits will be counted towards the credits in Season 2.

Users who delegate to a validator will be rewarded a 1.5x boost on points.

Users have been awarded an amount for Season 1 MANTIS Credits based on their participation activity in the MANTIS Games season 1.

MANTIS Credits per asset deposited:
- SOL = 1

- mSOL, bSOL, jitoSOL, edgesol = 2

- cAssets = 4

Please note: If you withdraw assets from MANTIS, you will forfeit all of your MANTIS Credits gained from depositing your assets.

Season 2 Coming soon

Season 2 will be introduced following the launch of Solana IBC this month, stay tuned for all the details.

Community and Team Acknowledgements

We express our gratitude to both the team leaders who helped recruit and direct the first season as well as all the community members who participated. Your involvement has been integral to the initial season of MANTIS Games and will continue to influence our development trajectory.

With the close of Season 1, the following is now in effect:

  • Withdrawals: Currently, the unstaking period is set to 0 days. However, on April 14th 00:00 time UTC, the default unstaking period will be set to 7 days. Note* participants who immediately withdraw, before the launch of Solana IBC, will incur a reduction in accrued rewards (see below).
  • Delegation Window: A seven-day period is available for participants to delegate their stakes. If not delegated within this timeframe, stakes will be automatically delegated on your behalf. Users who delegate in these 7 days will be rewarded a 1.5x boost on credits. This starts on April 12 00:00 time UTC.
  • Withdrawal Penalties: As clearly stated in previous blogs and announcements, participants choosing to withdraw before the launch of Solana IBC forfeit 80% of their PICA rewards as stated previously. If a user decides to unstake some percentage of deposit before the end of the vesting period, they will forfeit a corresponding percentage of their PICA rewards. Additionally, unstaking any amount will reduce your MANTIS credits.

Please note: Solana network is highly congested, it make take some time for your transaction to go through.


The conclusion of MANTIS Games Season 1 marks a significant milestone in our journey towards a fully integrated platform. We are committed to continuous improvements based on community feedback and to delivering a robust user experience in the upcoming launch. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress toward the release of Season 2 and the launch of Solana IBC.

