A Love That Lasts Forever

Sara Gill
Pick Up Your Pen
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2024

The Essence of Gentle Love

Photo by Rahul Pandit: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-rose-flower-2861974/

A love so gentle, soft as air,
It lingers in the quiet stare,
No touch of lust, no fleeting flame,
But something deeper, free of shame.

It rises from the soul’s deep well,
Where quiet dreams and whispers dwell,
Unconditional, warm, and kind,
A love that leaves the world behind.

It’s in the way your heart takes flight,
With butterflies that feel so light,
Not from desire or fleeting need,
But from a joy that’s pure and freed.

Untouched by time, untouched by pain,
A love that only souls sustain.
In every breath, in every glance,
This love will give the heart a chance.

It’s not of flesh, nor bound by space,
But lives within a sacred place,
Where hearts entwined will never part,
Forever held, soul to heart.

This love, eternal, strong and true,
Will carry me, and carry you,
Through every storm, through every tear,
This love will stand, year after year.

So here we stay, forevermore,
In love so gentle, pure, and sure,
A bond unbroken, soaring high
Together, always, you and I.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my poem. This piece reflects on true love, the kind that is rare to find in today’s world. It’s my hope that everyone can experience a love so pure and timeless. Your support means the world to me!



Sara Gill
Pick Up Your Pen

Writer passionate about expressing emotions through words, uncovering life's untold secrets Join me as I share hidden stories that connect us all through poetry