Photo by Leo_Visions on Unsplash

Journey of Fear

Prae P. (BB)
Pick Up Your Pen


The feeling of joy the feeling of trust
It’s on the corner that I haven’t been there to touch.
Far apart , those new starts, I know nothing forever lasts.

How many times i said good bye, to friends who sailed by my side.
It’s soon a short while before we drop off into a different site , off the different road we walked in this beautiful night.

Life is like sailing,
Off the shore , off to the sea.
Before we even know, the wind guides us here.
To the smiles, to the memories, you filled me with fear.
Moving on to the direction where I belong, I sailed with your memories with a few drop of my tears.

Bitterness of wind whispering
Reminds me I’m still here, I’m still breathing.
With life i have as a gift, to start a new journey as much as I wish.

I wish fear would soon be gone.
How I live with them peace and purposefully for long.
If I could ever live with it with my heart strong, I wonder how my days would have been when I sang a different song.

Fear of trust , fear of relationship.
Now I’m sailing alone, not letting anyone in. It’s a journey of fear.
Until I find myself, may a star guide me somewhere near.



Prae P. (BB)
Pick Up Your Pen

Words, sounds, visuals for experiential poetry. A full-time learning coach, researcher, and part-time creative to hold space for everyday meaningful interaction