Rahul Jairaj
Pick Up Your Pen
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2024
Photo Credit: Polina Kovaleva, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj,


"Justice is the constant and perpetual will to allot to every man his due." — Ulpian

In the heart of every soul lies a seed,
A whisper of truth that all can heed,
Born from the essence of what is right,
A beacon of hope, a guiding light.

Justice, a word both fierce and fair,
A call to balance, a duty to care,
To weigh the scales with steady hand,
And lift the fallen to understand.

In the quiet moments of the night,
When shadows dance and minds take flight,
We ponder the meaning of our path,
And seek redemption from the wrath.

For justice is not a fleeting dream,
Nor a river's flow, nor a mountain stream,
It’s the echo of the voiceless cry,
A promise that we must not deny.

In fields of gold and cities grand,
Where power reigns and castles stand,
Justice weaves through every thread,
A silent vow, a love widespread.

Through history's pages, old and worn,
In battles fought and nations born,
The quest for justice ever burns,
A fire that twists, a flame that churns.

From courtroom halls to village square,
In whispers soft, in open air,
The fight for justice never wanes,
It courses through our very veins.

For justice is the light of day,
That chases all the dark away,
It’s the courage to stand and say,
“We will not yield, come what may.”

In moments when the world seems grim,
And hope appears a fragile whim,
Remember the strength within our core,
To fight for justice, to restore.

For life is but a fleeting span,
A tapestry by divine hand,
Woven with threads of right and wrong,
A symphony, a timeless song.

And in this dance, we find our place,
Not in the rush, nor in the race,
But in the moments we defend,
The weak, the poor, the silent friend.

Justice, a mantle, heavy and true,
A beacon for me, a beacon for you,
To rise above the selfish call,
And fight for one, and fight for all.

In the end, when all is done,
And we face the setting sun,
We’ll know we walked the righteous way,
With justice as our light and stay.

So stand with me, through storm and strife,
For justice is the heart of life,
A call to rise, a call to see,
The beauty of humanity.



Rahul Jairaj
Pick Up Your Pen

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/