Do You Even Post, Bro?

My Morning Writing Routine

David Caracciolo
Pickle Fork
2 min readMay 21, 2018


Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

I get it, you’re trying to do it all. I am too. It’s hard to reach your writing target AND balance your fitness goals… boohoo. Nonsense! I’ve combined them both, so no more excuses! Try my morning ritual below, if you can:

4:00 Wake up. Check my Medium stats. Weak!

4:20 Brush teeth with black coffee. Throw laptop in gym bag.

5:00 Arrive at gym. Connect laptop to power source. Get yelled at by person using unplugged treadmill.

5:10 Spend hour in bathroom using hairdryer power socket instead. No one can use facility until I’m all charged up. Other toilet out of order.

6:10 Change playlist for entire gym from “Club Anthems” to “Soothing.”

6:15 Warm up with some light writing exercises, finger stretches and low-impact typing.

6:30 Jog memory.

6:45 Flex creative muscles in front of mirror. Laugh at those not using proper form. Everyone stays clear.

7:00 Hit the bench, laptop first. Do 6 presses, then release space bar.

7:05 Keep pushing till full stop. Add a few line breaks. Repeat till failure.

7:30 Move to writer’s block. Grunt loudly after each rep. Keep chin-up.

8:00 Stare at motivational quote on wall. Commit to paper. Don’t throw in the towel!

8:10 Hurry the pace. High word count. Get rid of dead weight.

8:30 Jump back and forth, but not between topics. Maintain grip. Check for errors.

9:00 Open strong. Conclude with powerful stance.

9:25 Drop down and hit Publish.

9:30 Rest. Hydrate. Monitor performance… not strong enough!

10:00 Time to push-up dem stats. Claps in between. Follow the pros and study technique. Heavy lifting.

10:30 Work on building core… audience. Quick response time. Record PB.

11:00 Cool down. Exit gym. Raise bar for next time.

There you have it. My daily writing schedule. I hope you got something out of it. Feel free to try it at home (with the right equipment) or at your local gym.

And remember… procrastination is not an option!

Photo by Wesley Quinn on Unsplash

Thanks for reading



David Caracciolo
Pickle Fork

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny