Let’s cure your writer’s block!

Helpful (?) words from a fellow member of your writing group

K.C. Healy
Pickle Fork
2 min readJul 20, 2018


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Dear Joseph,

I’m so sorry to hear about your writer’s block! It must be terribly painful for you. Not to mention your adoring audience!

I know some people say that say writer’s block is not a real thing. Those people are clearly sadly mistaken! You have it after all, don’t you?

Is it like an intestinal blockage for you? Knowing that you have something to say but it just won’t come out? Or is it more like an alien spaceship kidnapped you and ate your brain?

Either way, I empathize!

Why do you think you are blocked?

Did a troll shit all over your precious words?

Did Car & Driver’s editor tell you that your poem wasn’t right for their publication?

Or are you waiting for a perfectly formed idea to spring out of your head like Athena was birthed from Zeus?

In any case, Joseph, I’m here for you. Just let me know what you need.

Perhaps I can come over later with a bottle of scotch and we can trash all the authors on the Amazon’s best seller list? That’s sure to get your juices flowing again!

Yours sincerely,


P.S. – Did I tell you that I just got an agent for my latest novel? Isn’t that fabulous?

