
Shawn Keller
Pickle Fork
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2017

(with apologies to Simon and Garfunkel)


“Let us be rednecks we’ll marry our cousins together”
“I’ve got some Budweiser here in my bag”
So we strapped on our oxygen tanks and fired up the Hover-Rounds
And we rolled off to look for ‘Murrica

“Lurlene,” I said as we entered a Waffle House in Choctaw
“Obama seems like a Muslim to me now.”
It took her four days to needlepoint a crying eagle
I’ve come to look for ‘Murrica

Laughing at the Libs
Makin’ fun of their education
I told them that climate change is a lie
I said “Herpa derp. It just snowed here yesterday.”

“Toss me a Double Down, I think there’s one in my sweatpants”
“We ate the last six an hour ago”
So I browsed “World Net Daily”, she watched her “Fox and Friends”
And Chuck Norris rose over an open field

“The country is lost,” I said, and she nodded in agreement,
“This Gay Agenda is going to destroy us all”
Dozens of handicap plates in the Wal-Mart parking lot
They’ve all gone to look for ‘Murrica
All gone to look for ‘Murrica
All gone to look for ‘Murrica



Shawn Keller
Pickle Fork

Part Heat. Part Light. Part Lies. Part Truth. Share Freely.