Neighborhood Chihuahua is Fluent in English and Spanish

Olivia Sieck
Pickle Fork
Published in
1 min readJun 25, 2018

AUSTIN, TX — There have been recent reports that Alice, a neighborhood chihuahua, taught herself herself to speak both English and Spanish.

Alice explained, “My owner and I been having terrible communication issues about my water bowl. I like having two ice cubes in my bowl because I have a very sensitive tongue. But she always forgets and it ruins my day!”

Maria Buck, Alice’s owner, noticed a change in Alice’s vocabulary after she was holding Rosetta Stone tapes in her mouth after spending their day at the park.

Maria commented, “She worked through the English tapes in a couple days. Then, we had a heart to heart about the water bowl and mended our relationship. After that, Alice expressed an interest in learning Spanish since we are going to Peru next spring.”

Alice revealed she’s on tape number two of the Rosetta Stone Spanish set and will be done by the end of the week.



Olivia Sieck
Pickle Fork

bitches get stuff done. - tina fey / @livsieck on twitter