Pro-Gun Mom Gets Her Time at PTA Meeting

Kyrie Gray
Pickle Fork


I believe I’ve waited for my time to speak, and I intend to speak. It’s my first amendment right. Not that any of you seem to care about our rights, with how you go on trying to get rid of the second one. I know you all don’t agree with me, but I don’t think holding a bake sale to support gun control candidates is the best use of our time. We need to figure out how to actually protect our kids.

I think that politician was right. There are too many doors in this school. We can’t secure all of them, so of course the bad guys are going to get through. Inevitably since you all stubbornly won’t let our babies have handguns, they are all sitting ducks! I propose we seal all the doors besides the main entrance and keep a guard their at all times. We would also lock it. Just in case. What about a fire? They can fight fire with a gun too.

Really, all this senseless anger toward us Americans who love our freedom is ridiculous. My daughter is still getting teased over last year’s Chrstmas card card. I don’t see what the problem was. It was just a picture of the whole family holding guns and the phrase, “Only Jesus gets to break-in to my house.” It was a joke!

Stop hissing, you sound like animals. Which, without guns, you basically are. I don’t need this. My daughter certainly doesn’t either. I’m going to homeschool her. At least no one would dare break into our house and shoot up our school. That’s what having guns is good for; getting a good education.

