Roseanne Barr Fired For Offensive Tweets

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Pickle Fork
Published in
3 min readMay 30, 2018

Disney is not twitterpatted with their latest falling star.

High profile Trump supporter and former blue-collar worker and/or farmer, Roseanne Barr ,was fired for racist tweets this week. Roseanne had become a triggering figure for outrage on warring factions of the United (once) States of America. We all wish that they would grow up, those spitting children down in the mud, but that’s another story.

People are confused about Roseanne Barr. She comes across as racist and homophobic, while she darts about being a strong, powerful woman who is not Rosie O’Donnell, despite my confusion in earlier decades. Trump likes her. He does not like the other Rosier one.

Disney, who now owns ABC, the re-booted sitcom’s network, is not twitterpatted with Barr. For those of you who are not over 100 years old, “twitterpatted” is what a Flower skunk and Thumper rabbit from Bambi, become, at the first blush of spring.

Again, confusing, but it has to do with one’s thoughts turning to names like Stormy, Jasmine and Bambi in mysterious, disgusting, mating rituals of the political and celebrity elite. Let’s not even get started with Snow White which manages to make a non-normative, shacked up, young, unconscious woman appear to be fair game. Snow White is also a stupid name, and it’s racist, anyway.

Barr also has been reprimanded for insulting George Soros and Chelsea Clinton. Who knew they were even dating?

“My joke was in bad taste” said Barr in reference to the tweet that connected Clinton to Soros and another wherein she compared Ms. Chelsea Clinton to the donkey from Shrek, which is not Disney. So again, kind of confusing.

The bad taste joke did not go unrecognized by the joke within the white house, but no comment has been forthcoming from Trump who is busy working to see “Who is fairest of them all?” with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, both of whom have phenomenal hair. It also did not go unnoticed by former, almost celebrity, Kathy Griffin who was present on social networks, but entirely invisible nonetheless. Griffin, is reportedly invisible to the whole planet now. Bad taste is contagious everywhere and it makes some people disappear, while others continue to not disappear quite enough.

The most stunning revelation about the forthcoming offense and apology was that people who apologize still get fired, but those who go on situation comedies we call “Real Life” just keep churning out anger, rage, political, scandalous and sadly, amusing entertainment for us all. At last check, Barr has apologized profusely for being offensive, while unnamed criminals in Russia and Washington DC, do not apologize for Being.

With 18 million viewers, Roseanne Barr’s successful new show about the Conner family lasted about as long as pizza on the table of the Conner family kitchen. BTW, pizza-gate is an entirely true conspiracy that is probably fake news of one kind or another. Because what is real?



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Pickle Fork

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.