Some Do’s And Don’ts To Help You Drive In Atlanta

Bebe Nicholson
Pickle Fork
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018


If you’re coming to Atlanta, you’ll want to fit in with other drivers and not immediately be pegged as an outsider, so I’ve compiled some do’s and don’ts that could help you feel more at home. They may sound counterintuitive, but remember: you want to be one of us. So here goes:

DON’T use a turn signal, no matter what. Approach turning in one of two ways: either drift aimlessly into the turn lane, straddling both lanes for a while and making everyone behind you wonder if you are going to drift back, or brake abruptly when you get to your turn and lurch into it as if you’ve suddenly realized, Whoa, Dude, here it is! But remember; no turn signals!

DO follow as closely as possible without nudging the car in front of you. If the car in front of you pulls into a turn lane, accelerate and swoosh past at lightning speed. The other car’s occupants will most likely look at you with admiration, because you are one fast and in-a-hurry person with important places to go.

DO act confused at the brand-new traffic circles cropping up all over Atlanta. Proceed as if you have the right of way no matter what and swing into that loop like you’re at NASCAR. You might even want to circle around twice, just for fun, before figuring out where to exit.



Bebe Nicholson
Pickle Fork

Writer, editor, publisher, journalist, author, columnist, believer in enjoying my journey and helping other people enjoy theirs.