That One Time I Wrote A Satirical Prayer & Accidentally Started A Cult

Joe Garza
Pickle Fork
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2019


“…and on this rock I will build my church…that I totally just made up as a goof.”

That’s Peter Prayerson, one of the most devoted zealots in my flock.

A funny spiritual thing happened to me recently.

You see, I was just going about my business scamming people into giving me money for my dopey articles, when all of a sudden I became some kind of savior or something and founded a religion followed by other writers trying to scam people into giving them money for their dopey articles.

It all started when I wrote a cheeky little article begging Medium curators to curate that very article (by the way, mission: terribly failed), and in it was the following prayer:

Our Curators, Who art on Medium,

Hallowed be my Claps.

My Fans will come.

My Reads be done, on earth as it is in the Medium Partner Program. Give us this day our daily Views.

And forgive us our Edits,

as we forgive Publications who Edit against us.

And lead us forth into Curation,

and deliver us from non-Member readers. Amen.

