The Good Things About Having Cancer

Gina Karasek
Pickle Fork
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2019


When I spent a year battling my cancer, it was not especially easy to find the positive in it. So, I decided to make a list of the “good things” that I noticed in an effort to be more uplifting.

Although cancer really sucks, there are some good things that come from it.

1) For example, social media is a lot kinder to you when you have cancer.

©Gina Karasek

2) Even small accomplishments are made big when you are fighting off the effects of chemo.

©Gina Karasek

3) I didn’t have to shave my legs or armpits for months. That could have lasted forever as far as I’m concerned.

4) The peach fuzz on my head didn’t take much care. When my hair fell out and the scalp pain was gone, I was able to wash my (creepy little fuzzies) hair with literally one drop of shampoo per day. Even that was too much. I’ve calculated that at that rate, a bottle of shampoo would last me 8,872 days (give or take a day or two).

conversion calculator from ©Gina Karasek

That’s a little over 24 years for a 15 oz. bottle. Good thing I liked the scent I picked out!

5) You save a lot of money on haircuts. As a matter of fact, I cut my own hair one day.

©Gina Karasek

It was just one hair that had gone wild in my sideburn area. 😁 Only took a second to clip that baby off and then I was back to my clean cut look again. 😉

6) You automatically surpass just about anyone’s “bad day” post on Facebook, and can answer their whiny “my boss looked at me funny today” posts with an honest “You think you have it bad? I have cancer!!” That usually shuts down the post right away… 😄

7) Really the best thing about having cancer is that you suddenly see that certain things around you are very important, like snuggling on the couch with your kids while they tell you all about their hopes and dreams (“Mommy if I was yellow, I would shine all over everything like the sun and make the world happy!”). And certain things aren’t - like worrying whether you look frumpy in the clothes you have on. (I’m bald and tired, but I’m alive - who cares what I look like!)

©Gina Karasek

