The Lighter Side of Having 5 Kids — Part 2

Staying sane while raising 5 children can sometimes require large doses of humor. This is my second installment of this series.

Gina Karasek
Pickle Fork


Luckily our children have made us laugh more times than I can count. Over the years, I’ve had multiple requests from my readers to share some of our mini-stories with others. Here are some of them from past years.

(Remember as you read to use the age-appropriate voices and pronunciations in your head — sometimes that’s the funniest part).


My daughter (4 years old) came running into the kitchen.

Reagan: Where’s my letter? I need to take it to the post office!
Mom: What letter, Rea?
Reagan: I wrote a letter to Walmart telling them to give me 3 dolls.

© Reagan Karasek


Reagan (4) came home from preschool one day and wanted to share something important that she’d learned.

Rea: Dad, I’ve got something to tell you.
Dad: What, Reagan?
Rea: Don’t ever be a potato couch!
Kelsey (13) : Rea, that would be a couch made out of potatoes!
Rea: I know! Look at the picture! See the potato?!

© Reagan Karasek


© Gina Karasek

My husband took the boys for haircuts and a treat at Shaggies. The next morning, Andy (3 years old) said:

“Thank you, Dad, for letting me sleep with my haircut!”

Like we were gonna say “leave your haircut out here in the living room when you go to bed”…


Trying out the shock factor:

Andy (3): I sure hope I don’t say poop!…..OOPS, I said it!
<…5 minutes later….>
Andy: I sure hope I don’t say poop again!….OOPS!

It was an accident, Mom, honest…


Reagan (4) paused while drawing something…

Reagan: Daddy? What’s your favorite color?
Daddy: Blue.
Reagan: No. I think it’s red!


Reagan (4): Mom, I’m gonna sing Chris’s ABC song…A B C D E F G Barney is my enemy…
Andy (3): <with a know-it-all voice> Reagan — it’s EMENY!

Either way, you’re both right…


As usual, we were at the restaurant just starting to eat and…

Andy (3): I have to go potty! I have to go potty!

Me: <sighing> ok, let’s go…

<in the stall>

© Hongqi Zhang

Andy: <pushes on walls of stall> There’s no way out! We’re stuck!

Me: Yeah, yeah…come here…

Andy: <looking at the flusher handle> Is it gonna be loud?

Me: No, it won’t…

Andy: Well, good thing I don’t have to go to the bathroom!

Me: Pardon me?!

Andy: Good thing I don’t have to go to the bathroom!

Me: You’re gonna at least try- I’m missing my dinner for this!

Andy: <crosses his legs and arms and proceeds to inch forward a teeny hop at a time…>

Me: <grabs Andy and puts him on the toilet>

Andy: <muttering> That’s all the faster I could go…


More little boy potty talk:

Andy (3):<climbing off the toilet> I ate some food and it came out poop!


A six-year-old taking the rules literally:

Chris: Mom, why does dad take his drink in the car even though it’s against the rules?
Me: Why do you say that?
Chris: When we leave McDonald’s he takes his pop with him in the car.
Me: Well, he doesn’t let you kids do that because you might spill, but it’s ok for him to.
Chris: But, Mom! What if the cops see him drinking it?! It’s against the law to drink and drive!

Sir, put down that Pepsi and exit your vehicle, now!


(See the first article in this series here :

