There’s enough positive news out there to drive you berzerk. (In a good way)

Adam Millett
Pickle Fork
Published in
7 min readJun 9, 2019

It’s worth writing a little precursor to this article for the sake of context. I recently started a blog called where I write about positive stories and good news and sustainability and all that jazz music. Since starting the blog I have found more good news than I can post on social media, never mind write about, and this article is a celebration of that fact! It’s daft, I hope you enjoy it :)

Sunday Morning Madness

I have been known for spending entire weeks only rising at the GODLY hour of 1–2pm, and spending entire Sundays in bed after a long weekend’s workout routine of using pint glasses as dumbbells and dancefloors as pilates mats.

It’s early in the morning on a Sunday, 7.44am to be nearly precise, which may not seem early for many, but for me it’s the crack of dawn, especially for a Sunday. I’ve been getting up at 7am every day this week to work on the farm and I’m loving it but really I’m still a night owl masquerading as a bird with a worm addiction. (The early bird usually makes me squirm, unless it’s a menu, in which case it makes me jump for Joy, somersault for Debra, and Cartwheel for Samantha. I wonder why Joy get’s all the jumps? She must be doing something right!) I have been known for spending entire weeks only rising at the GODLY hour of 1–2pm, and spending entire Sundays in bed after a long weekend’s workout routine of using pint glasses as dumbbells and dancefloors as pilates mats.

Me on a typical Sunday back in the day (and still sometimes today), minus the guitar playing and walking around of course. Walking around? On a Sunday? You must be mad!

But alas, I am awake, breakfast in my belly (Granola, not worms) and I even had some coffee, which is unusual for me, I usually stick to tea, cause tea will set you free! A few minutes ago, I got smacked unrelentingly in the jaw with a spontaneous urge to start writing while I roughly brushed my teeth at 7.42.39 am. (That’s not a date, it’s the time with milliseconds included. No of course I don’t remember the exact time I started brushing my teeth, it’s a joke baby! See I put the roughly before the brushed up there and then proceeded to provide an exact time for brushing my teeth, insinuating that I knew exactly when my teeth received their makeover, and it was the manner in which I delivered the makeover that was rough, not my recalling of the time it was done. Well that’s actually not the case; I brushed my teeth gently, but the exact time in which I did it has sadly eluded me, so we will just have to move on. (Move on with sparkling white teeth I might add!)

This is how mental my Sunday morning has been. This isn’t even a photo of the granola I had for breakfast, I didn’t know I was going to end up writing like a mad man after breakfast so I never thought to take a photo. So this is the closest representation I could find online of the granola I ate. The bowl is similar, and the makeup of the actual muesli, I think you could call it muesli right? Yes. The makeup of the actual muesli in this photo is similar to what I had, although mine had goji berries in it which added a tasty sprinkling of psychedelic looking red. It also had ginger in it which certainly tangoed with the taste buds, my goodness. Anyways, pure madness!

Too much good stuff to write about!

I’ve found so many incredible stories about inspirational people and wonderful environment soothing technologies since starting this blog that to write about them all in detail would be impossible.

So this tremendous urge to dive fingers first into a brand new document has led me exactly (hehe, I just hyperlinked from this page to: this page! That’s like hyperlinkception or something, the hypermatrix! Maybe I’m hyper? Is that what coffee does to you???? Goodness.) (I also had to write this post, and then come back and edit it to add the URL in, now that’s flipping dedication for you) and although I have a never-ending list of topics I want to write about for A Wall of Hope, and that’s barely an exaggeration, I’ve found so many incredible stories about inspirational people and wonderful environment soothing technologies since starting this blog that to write about them all in detail would be impossible, (especially while working six days a week on a farm in Portugal, which I am doing right now!) and I just keep finding more and more every day.

That was all a bit wordy so it’s best we go back to the start of the sentence again so this next bit actually makes sense without you having to read back and start connecting dots that lie entire flaming paragraphs apart! SO, although I have a never-ending list of topics I want to write about for A Wall of Hope, I haven’t actually done any topic-specific research yet today, and I usually do quite a lot of research when I write an article on here.

Me diving into this article this morning with no research done whatsoever. Minus the muscles and six pack and clean shaven face of course.

My mind, body, soul, tail, hair, wings, extremities, organs, capillaries, hopes, dreams, insecurities, sweat glands, knees, ankles, hands, everything really, was strongly in favour of writing over research this morning (it was more like one of those, who can shout the loudest kind of voting situations you tend to see on game shows and silly sausage shaped singing competitions than an actual democratic vote, and every single part of me started animalistically screaming when the MC exclaimed with financially motivated artificial enthusiasm ‘everybody make some nooooooise for wrriiitttting’, (that was a dig at game shows and commercialised singing competitions and ‘The X Factor’, and certainly not at my motivation for writing, I mean who in their right mind would ever pay me for this nonsense?) where as every little molecule in the Adam shaped blood flesh and consciousness arena fell silent after research had staked it’s claim for the prize. To be honest maybe there’s not a whole lot of difference between the ‘who can shout the loudest’ form of gameshow democracy and the generally accepted and utilised western political version? Voices are just replaced by dollars is all. Or Euros. Or whatever it’s all just numbers on a screen these days. ‘Democracy’ my arse.) I digress.

So with no research done, and a hankering (hehe, that’s a nice word) to start writing immediately, I decided to just write about the fact that I have so much to write about on here. I mean isn’t it an incredibly positive sign that after setting out to find uplifting and inspirational stories about the current human situation and our future, I have found, and constantly continue to find, far more than I can ever hope to write about? That has to be the greatest cause for hope yet. There’s so much good happening in the world it’s unwriteableaboutable. (Un-write-able-about-able) (I just realised that I could probably delete everything but this paragraph, and probably delete some of this paragraph as well, and still make the point I set out to make in this article, but where’s the fun in that? It’s stream of consciousness baby! Beautiful coffee-fueled Sunday morning stream of consciousness. Wooooooo!)

I mean isn’t it an incredibly positive sign that after setting out to find uplifting and inspirational stories about the current human situation and our future, I have found, and constantly continue to find, far more than I can ever hope to write about?

I genuinely thought I’d be struggling to find stuff to write about when I set up this site, and I’ve found it very motivating that I’ve found much more than I can handle. If you want proof by the way, go have a look at the Facebook and Twitter pages, as I’m constantly posting all the good news I can find on those, and I even have a backlog of articles and stories to share there! There’s just so much of it.

Now I’m not saying at all that the world is all safe and rosy or anything, and that we can all just forget about the climate epidemic’s and mass extinctions and the plastic sea monsters because someone else has got us covered, it’s quite dangerous to think that way, and plenty plenty more has to be done, by everybody, but it’s just nice to know that there is plenty of good stuff going on as well as all the carnage. Stuff to build on. Stuff to be inspired by. Stuff for hope.

On the dot

Now would you look at that, 8:41:00 on a flaming Sunday, and I’ve already written an article. (yes of course, it’s a silly article, but it’s an article nonetheless) Also, I actually had to change the time settings on my laptop so that I could see the milliseconds in order to take that reading, and the moment I clicked in to change the settings, the time ticked over to exactly 8:41 on the dot, so I probably didn’t need the milliseconds after all, but there you are, you have them now, two zeroes, side by side, like an owls eyes without the pupils, or an arse, or boobs without nipples, or coconuts, or eggs.

Hahaha, look at this guy! What a peculiar looking creature. Looks like it’s up to something. Mischievous. So it turns out owls don’t have oval shaped eyes, I could have sworn their eyes were more egg shaped than round. Maybe that’s just cartoon eyes? Who knows. Anyways, the reference shall stay.

Well, that was intense. Time for a second breakfast now I reckon. Maybe I’ll have eggs, or coconuts, or an arse, or an owls eyes without pupils,

or boobs without nipples? Now that would be berzerk.

Peace out dudes.

About the Author

Adam Millett is a freelance writer, blogger, and published poet with an affinity for dressing up as Spiderman and writing about saving the planet. He likes to climb trees and stare at the stars in his spare time and likes to help sustainable businesses tell the world their stories while he’s working. Visit his website at if you want to tell the world yours.
Visit for his blog.

Originally published at on June 9, 2019.



Adam Millett
Pickle Fork

Freelance writer for hire with a passion for sustainability. Check out for my blog and for details about my writing services.