Home Buying Guide — All about Transparency

Matt G.
Published in
1 min readJan 6, 2018

The home buying guide is a dead simple tool for agents and their clients to be less stressed when buying a house.

This quote sums it up perfectly:

I know that as many times as you let your clients know what’s going on and the next step, half of the time their eyes glaze over and they tune you out.

A few weeks ago I published a screenshot about Pickle Timelines and signed up some beta testers. The responses have been incredibly positive and we’ve learned a lot along the way.

Timelines are flexible and controlled by the agent. They can share as much or as little as they’d like. While, many of the clients we’ve worked with strongly suggest sharing more, it’s entirely up to the agent. Timelines can also be used in conjunction with any of your existing tools. Each timeline gets it’s own shareable website. You can share it with as many or little people you want. Many have used it to share with partners, lawyers, brokers, family members, and more!

Here’s a video demoing the Home Buying Timelines for the Lannister family.

Takes less than 2 minutes to setup

Are you an agent interested in using this? Shoot me an email and we’ll be happy to get you setup for free – matt@picklecrm.com.

Are you looking to buy a house and want to use this? Let me know and I’ll be blad to help yor agent get setup – we’ll give them free access, too. Email me: matt@picklecrm.com



Matt G.
Editor for

Founder picklecrm.com – the dead simple CRM for realtors and entrepreneurs.