Getting Hired Through Pickr

Josh Lowles
Pickr Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018

As someone looking for work you probably want to get hired as quickly and easily as possible, so we’ve put together this quick guide to help you get noticed by employers, and get some work as soon as you can.

The first thing you’re going to need to do is to set up a great profile. This is the first thing a potential employer is going to see when they look at you, so you want it to give a good first impression.

Profile Picture

The first step is to upload a profile picture. This may not sound like much, but just having a picture on your profile makes you fourteen times more likely to be viewed by an employer.

Make sure you find a good one; you don’t want a picture of you glaring angrily at the camera, or a blurry group photo from that holiday you went on six years ago. If you want some tips on choosing a good picture, we have a guide here.

About You

This little box, found below the ‘upload’ button for your profile picture, is a good opportunity for you to tell employers a little bit about yourself. This helps an employer know what kind of person they’re potentially hiring.

You don’t want to put your whole life story here, just a little bit of text to give employers an idea of what kind of person you are.


Getting an employer to view your profile gives you the chance to show them your skills and work experience. To do that though, you’re going to need to add that work experience to your profile. It seems pretty obvious, but make sure you fill out your experience; having an empty profile doesn’t look very attractive to an employer. You may also want to add any voluntary or educational experience as well, especially if it’s recent.


The other way to show and employer your experience is, of course, to show them your CV. You can upload your CV to Pickr, and it can then be viewed by employers when you register interest in a role they have posted.

Again, the obvious stuff; you’re much more likely to get hired if employers can see your work experience, especially if it is laid out in a well put together CV. Don’t make it a block of text, and don’t leave too much blank space. Although you can only upload one CV to Pickr, it’s still worth tailoring it to the kinds of roles you’re applying for; someone looking for a warehouse operative probably isn’t interested in your child-care experience.


Once you’ve gotten your Pickr profile perfected, the next step to making yourself attractive to employers is to get reviews. Reviews are a way for employers to show what they think of you, and make it more likely for other employers to hire you as well.

The best way to get a good review is to make sure you perform well at work; turn up on time, make sure you’ve got any equipment or clothing you’re supposed to have and work hard. Making sure you go in with a positive attitude will also make you much more likely to get good reviews.

