Meet #TeamPickr : Carl Cassar

Callum Charles James
Pickr Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2017

Height : 6”2

Age : 28

Rank (position) : Developer

Originally from : Malta

Favourite chocolate bar : Definitely Whispa Gold

How did your background help you form Pickr?

I’ve been interested in business and technology for as long as I can remember. I have a degree in Computer Science, Imaging and Multimedia and a Masters in Information Security. Software development is my hobby as well as my work and so it seems only natural that I would combine all my interests.

What are you expecting to be your biggest challenge?

Our biggest challenge, as with all walks of life, will be resistance to change. People like what they like, not always because it’s better but because it’s what they know. Recruitment is an old business and it won’t be easy convincing people to try something new — good thing we’ve got an amazing team together up for the challenge of making a fantastic product which our customers love.

What do you love about being your own boss?

If you are happy doing what you do and work with people who value your work, then you’ll never need to answer this question.

How do you keep up to speed with the tech?

Read, read and read some more. Social media is a great place to start, but it has to be followed up with long-form content — blogs and books. I’m a firm believer that you can’t go wrong reading any book on any subject.

When it comes to software development, I’m a big fan of Laracasts — a fantastic resource.

When you’re fixing a big work problem, who goes on your iPod?

I love a good sound track. There is something about them that makes them brilliant for work that requires concentration — such as programming. My recent go-to is the Interstellar sound track.

😺 or 🐶 ?

I have a cat called Nero, (see picture) so I guess I have to say cats. That said I’d love to have one or two dogs one day but only when I have the opportunity (and space) to take them everywhere I go and give them the companionship they crave and deserve.

What does your family think of what you do?

My family have always been very proud and supportive of everything I do. I sometimes think they wish they could understand more of it, especially when it comes to software development and computer science.

What do you think Pickr will look like in the next 5 years?

I hope Pickr will be a happy place to work, helping great people connect with great brands.

What’s good/challenging about operating in Norfolk?

Norfolk is a great place full of vibrant, kind and welcoming people. The pace and quality of life is just right, allowing for a good work/life balance. The countryside is beautiful, and full of interesting historical treasures. Over the last 10 years, Norwich has started to blossom into a great hub for technology and industry, attracting young people from all walks of life.

Who is your biggest role model? / Who do you look up to the most in the business world?

Nelson Mandela. No-one, before or since, has had more cause and opportunity for revenge and yet shown such restraint, compassion and humility.

When it comes to business, it’s got to be Warren Buffet. The third richest man in the world still lives in the same house he bought for $31,500 dollars in 1958. He is known to be humble and kind, having set up the giving pledge foundation with Bill Gates ( Throughout his life in finance, Warren Buffet has always been able to see the signal through the noise, preferring sensible long term investments made after rigorous and thoughtful hard work rather than the quick buck made chasing the latest financial fad. Interesting fact: If you had invested in Warren Buffet in 1964, you’d have over 10 million dollars for every $1000 dollars of investment — no wonder they call him the Oracle of Omaha.

And Finally… If you were a super hero, which super hero would you be?

Iron Man, because he doesn’t really have any super powers, but can can compete with the best of them, through ingenuity, determination and hard work in the pursuit of science. It doesn’t hurt that he’s got the best lifestyle when he’s not busy saving the world.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Pickr visit us at www.pickr.worksand say hi on live chat or if you’re a little busy you can pop us an email to, follow us @pickrworks on Twitter or Instagram or at on Facebook.

