Meet #TeamPickr : Jonathan Martin

Callum Charles James
Pickr Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 19, 2017

Height: 5’ 10

Age: 22

Rank (position): Developer & Co-founder

Originally from: Norfolk

Favourite chocolate bar: Kinder Bueno Milk Bar

How did your background help you form Pickr:

I started my business career on top of the success of Minecraft, offering server hosting so friends could play the game together in the same online ‘world’.

What are you expecting to be your biggest challenge?

Personally, I think with Pickr growing its team size I need to learn to be better at managing/leading a team of people. This has always been a bit of a weakness for me, even with a small team back during my Minecraft server days.

What do you love about being your own boss?

I love being able to contribute to things that are normally outside of the remit of a software developer. Being able to shape the way that a company operates, without the usual bureaucracy of business.

How do you keep up to speed with the tech?

You’ve always got to keep learning. I spend a reasonable amount of free time looking up new techniques and learning new languages.

When you’re fixing a big work problem, who goes on your iPod?

I’ve never been a massive music fan in all honesty. If something is really frustrating me then I prefer to work in silence with no distractions.

😺 or 🐶 ?

I have a cat, called Dennis. But in all honesty I do prefer dogs having grown up with them all throughout my childhood. Once I am able to make some adjustments to my house then I think a dog will definitely be offered a home with me.

What does your family think of what you do?

My family have always been supportive and inquisitive of the businesses I have been involved with, and have always lended a hand when I have asked them to.

What do you think Pickr will look like in the next 5 years?

I hate trying to set targets with things like this, however I hope that we can expand across the UK whilst maintaining a great internal culture and providing great people to great brands.

What’s good/challenging about operating in Norfolk?

I think Norfolk is a great area for Pickr to grows its roots. If Pickr can be successful in a rural county like Norfolk then I feel as if we will be able to grow into any other area within the UK — and maybe even further?

Who is your biggest role model? / Who do you look up to the most in the business world?

As I said earlier, I started my first business on top of the success of Minecraft, so I think it’d only be appropriate to mention Markus ‘Notch’ Persson (the creator of Minecraft) here. I think it’s amazing how such a humble self-taught developer could have created such a world changing product — essentially by mistake.

And Finally… If you were a super hero, which super power would you have?

Teleportation! Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind the occasional drive but I hate having to drive the same route all the time. If I could magically teleport to the office and back that would be awesome. Imagine the extra 30 minutes in bed too!

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