Say hey to Callum James šŸ˜„

Callum Charles James
Pickr Blog
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2017

#TeamPickr is delighted to announce the arrival of Callum James as Community Manager. Not only will he be leading engagement with the current and future community of Pickrs he will also be helping develop the higher level strategy of the ever growing platform.

Originally from Essex, Callum has spent the last four years at UEA studying Environmental Science. Now finished, the logical mindset gained from consistent scientific study is now being used to engage with staffing challenges for local businesses. His friendly personality holds him in good stead to get alongside our community and understand what and when improvements need to be made.

Working on the Brand side of the business since the beginning of summer, now heā€™s heading up the Community, we thought weā€™d give you more of an opportunity to get to know him by putting him under the spotlight with some questions:

What did you gain from academia & early work experiences?

Studying at UEA gave me the skills to be able to overcome tasks and challenges in a logical and speedy manner. Working for a charity for a year gave me the knowhow to understand how a wide range of businesses work. It also allowed me to figure out what a working day looked like and how best to manage my time.

What are you going to be focussing on at Pickr?

My time as Community Manager will be split. Social media and how we use it to engage people will be my job, as well as maintaining a constant flow of blog activity. Another aspect will be engaging with Pickrs already on the platform and ensuring they are having success in the roles they have applied for.

What attracted you to Pickr?

The main attraction for me was working within a start-up. Since day one, my opinions and actions have made a real impact on where we are going as a business, which would normally take someone years within a larger firm to happen. I also love the vision. The idea that the recruitment process can be made easier and more cost effective using technology really excites me. Finally, I love the working atmosphere that we are trying to breed at #TeamPickr. I feel that the relaxed but dedicated approach really suits my personality.

What do you expect to be your biggest challenge?

The fast paced nature of working within a start-up was a difficult transition from university life. Having said that, it wasnā€™t too hard to accustom myself. However, the biggest challenge of this new role will be to ensure that all the work Iā€™m doing is done to excellence. With lots of responsibilities I need to make sure Iā€™m on the ball every minute to ensure that no piece of work suffers because of mismanagement.

How do you keep up to speed with new Tech?

I keep up to speed the most through social media. I have a lot of friends who love their tech and always like posting and sharing about it. Iā€™m also custom to the odd launch of new products. šŸ¤–

When youā€™re fixing a big work problem, who goes on your iPod?

Iā€™m not a huge listener of music when I need to really concentrate. But anything without words normally does the trick. If music has words I tend to start singing along, which isnā€™t good for anyone.

šŸ˜ŗ or šŸ¶ ?

Oh 100% dog. I have a little cocka-poo called Todd back in Essex and I love Raffles jumping around the office!

What does your family think of what youā€™re doing?

Theyā€™re extremely supportive. They love the fact that Iā€™m enjoying what Iā€™m doing everyday in a city that I love. They think the job suits me down to a T. Letā€™s hope Iā€™ll prove them right! šŸ¤ž

Are you in Norfolk by accident or by design?

If Iā€™m completely honest I didnā€™t know where Norfolk was on the map before I came here for University. So I guess by accident. However, after spending four years in the fine city, Iā€™m now definitely here by design.

Whatā€™s good/ challenging about operating in Norfolk?

Despite only being 50 odd miles away, at times Norfolk can feel like a completely different world from Essex. Iā€™m looking forward to getting to grips with how business is done here. Whatā€™s good about operating in Norfolk is the culture here that looks to support the local independent. I think it will really help us as a business and Itā€™s certainly improved my morning tea choices!

If youā€™re interested in finding out more about Pickr visit us at www.pickr.worksand say hi on live chat or if youā€™re a little busy you can pop us an email to, follow us @pickrworks on Twitter or Instagram or at on Facebook.

