The Journey of Pickr 🤙🏽

Callum Charles James
Pickr Blog


Welcome to the beginning of your Pickr journey. We hope you’ll enjoy your time using the platform 😁. To make your experience as easy as possible, below lists everything you need to know about Creating a profile, Applying for shifts, being put on the Standby list and getting Pickd.


Sign up:

To begin your Pickr journey you’ll need to first Sign up for an account. This will require you to give your name, a VALID email and password.

The Essentials:

For the bare minimum Pickr account you simply need to add your phone number, your postcode and click on the skills that best match your ability.

From here you have a choice.

1) You can choose to finish off your profile.


2) You can either find shifts straight away.

Disclaimer: The more complete your profile, the more chance of you gaining work quicker and being paid on time.

Account set up:

This is your chance to fill in all of your personal details.

Move through each sub heading and add the information the best you can.

About me:

To ensure you are paid on time, your D.O.B and national insurance number / proof of right to work will need to be added.

Once this done you can hop over to the Payment section and input your bank details 💰.


Here is where you get to make your Pickr unique to you.

Uploading an avatar gives your profile more character 👨 👩 .

We’ve found that those with profile photos are more likely to get Pickd!

For top tips on the best Avatar photos… [click here]


Make sure fill in your correct email and phone number otherwise we won’t be able to keep you updated when you’ve been hired or give you notice of any of the latest, hot opportunities.

Setting availability allows you to set your working hours that best suit you.


Set your preferences.

Here you’ll be able to decide how far you are willing to travel 🚗 and for what pay.

As you work more you’ll develop and grow in different areas. Don’t forget to keep coming back to this section and update those skills. Simply click on the ones that apply to you.


Once your about me section has been completed, head over to the side menu and click on Documents under My Pickr.

Here you can add in your CV.

If you don’t feel like your CV truly represents who you are then scoot over to your profile.


You can access your profile by clicking the Profile icon.

We at Pickr believe you’re more than the words on your CV. Feel free to add in all of the past experiences that make you, you! Remember, the more you add, the more Brands will see. Those with full profiles are likely to be head and shoulders above the rest when competing for the best shifts 💪 .

Every time you’re Pickd, Brands will be able to review your progress on a 5 star rating. Your rating will also be dependent on your timeliness and how early you notify cancelations. The better you are at using the platform, the higher your rating will be!

All of your reviews will be available on your Profile.


Apply for roles by finding work.

Roles will be ranked in an order that matches the characteristics you’ve set! Making a unique profile helps us to help you find the jobs that are suited to you faster!

Once you’ve found your perfect role you’ll first need to register your interest. Make sure you only apply for shifts that you know you can work!

Registering your interest will mark the first step of your journey through the Brand’s chosen workflow. Shift Workflows will change depending upon the role. Some will require a longer process involving interviews. Others will be simpler where Brand’s will Pick you dependent upon your CV, photo and profile.

You will be taken on a journey through each stage of the workflow as Brand’s make decisions upon your application. You can keep track of your progress on your personalised dashboard.

Disclaimer: Descriptions of each status can be found by hovering over them within the platform.


If a Brand gives you a standby status it means that they like your profile but unfortunately another Pickr has beaten you to this particular shift 👎 .

However, all hope is not lost 😄 .

Being on the standby list means that the Brand will expect you to turn up if you’re called upon at short notice. So make sure you’re ready for work! 👷.

Calls will often be made to you the evening before or the morning of the shift in question.


Once a Brand has approved your application you’ll be officially 🎉 Pickd 🎉 .

An email will be sent out to you with all of the relevant information via a link to the job.

Before working

You need to reply to the text or sign in on the app and ensure you’ve told Pickr you are on your way to the role 🏃. If you don’t you may be replaced.

App version of en route

Cancelling your shift

If you need to cancel your shift or unregister your interest then pop onto your dashboard and toggle the button shown below on the workflow.

If you untick this box by mistake, email and let us know so we can make sure you’re still hired!

You’re going to be late

If you think you may be late to your shift, then please email us on or send a message straight to the Brand on the platform


The next step is to arrive at the shift, work your role and enjoy your new found freedom using Pickr. Remember to bring any necessary requirements with you.

Bad news … 😢

If for some reason your shift has been cancelled by the Brand you’ll be notified through email.

After working

Once you’ve completed a shift you’ll need to log back into the platform and clock your hours and breaks.

This can be done even quicker by using our app. Available on both Android and Apple products ☎️ .


Once you’ve clocked in, the Brand you’ve worked for have 2 days to approve your hours.

If they fail to approve you within that time, it will be automatically approved to ensure you get the money that’s owed to you asap.

💵 💵 💵 💵 💵

Once your shifts have been approved you’ll then be paid a week in arrears.

Keep looking out and registering your interest for shifts. Why stop at getting paid once?

If you’re interested in finding out more about Pickr visit us at and say hi on live chat or if you’re a little busy you can pop us an email to, follow us @pickrworks on Twitter or Instagram or at

