Why Work Through Pickr?

Josh Lowles
Pickr Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Why use Pickr? What does Pickr offer that can’t be found elsewhere? What are the advantages? This blog aims to answer some of your burning Pickr related questions!

First off, Pickr is completely free to use, which is good, because free things are nice. That’s only the beginning though; one reason does not a blog post make.

So what if you’re between permanent jobs and don’t have any income? The temporary work Pickr provides can help tide you over until your next job. Or if you’re already working, and just need an occasional extra shift to help pay for a breakdown, or maybe a holiday, you can find it quickly and easily through Pickr.

Perhaps you’re starting your own business, and want a safety net during periods where work is light and you need to supplement your income? Because you choose when you work through Pickr, you can fit it around your business.

But what about using Pickr instead of more traditional employment? It might seem a little counter-intuitive to choose ‘temporary’ work over a ‘conventional’ job, but increasingly people are choosing, and even building careers out of, this kind of freelance employment.


As mentioned above, being able to choose shifts allows you to fit work found through Pickr around another job, or a business you run yourself.

But that flexibility isn’t only useful to people already in employment. Perhaps you want a job where you have the freedom decide your own hours, but don’t want to set up your own business?

Pickr allows you to choose your days and hours, and then lays it all out in a calendar so you can easily keep track of when you’re working. This allows you to plan out your time while still keeping the freedom to have a day off, or even a holiday, when you decide to.


Sometimes you’re not sure whether a position is for you, or you’d like to try something new but don’t want to commit to it long-term until you’ve had some experience.

Whether you’re using Pickr as a means of temporary work, or for full-time employment, you have the option of a wide range of work. Examples include warehouse operatives, chefs, customer service staff and engineering positions, and the list is growing all the time.


Mental and emotional wellbeing are an important part of any job, and one of the most common reasons for choosing to work freelance. Recent research from IPSE says that 84% of people are happy working as a freelancer, with the majority of finding themselves better motivated, more energetic and proud of the work they do. The sense of control over their schedules had a large impact on this happiness.

Whether you’re freelance or not, Pickr still provides complete control; you decide how much you want want to work, whether it’s one shift or one-hundred. You choose what work you take and when.

Temp to Perm

Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash

Of course, not everyone is looking to go freelance. If you’re looking for permanent employment, a lot of jobs available through Pickr are from employers looking for a permanent hire.

These temp to perm positions start out as temporary jobs through Pickr, but the aim of the employer is to see whether you’re the right fit for the job. Pickr isn’t a recruitment agency, and we don’t charge finder’s fees, so if you’re offered a permanent position you want to take, go ahead!

Hopefully, the service we provide is is useful to you. Ultimately Pickr’s goal is to to make your life easier by finding work quickly and easily. If you’ve got any questions have a look at our FAQ, or feel free to drop us an e-mail at hello@pickr.works.

