Hello, world.

Rachel Cantor
Published in
1 min readOct 26, 2017

Welcome to the Pico engineering blog!

At Pico, we’re creating a new layer in the media tech stack, building tools that help publishers move away from ad revenue and toward direct reader engagement.

This will be a place for our engineers to share helpful how-tos and anything else that interests the team.

Our tech stack is growing, but here some of the frameworks and libraries we’re currently using:

  • Frontend: React, Redux, Semantic UI, Redux-Form, Webpack
  • Backend: Node, Sequelize, Koa
  • DevOps: Cross-region read replicas, VPC subnet routing tables, and strongSwan VGW connectivity, Docker, Elastic Beanstalk, AuroraDB, Lambda
  • Testing: Mocha, Joi, Enzyme, Karma

Learn more about Pico at https://hellopico.io or by visiting our general blog at https://blog.hellopico.io



Rachel Cantor
Writer for

Fun-loving senior full stack engineer who will post things no matter how seemingly random they are.