Introducing Pico

Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2017


Consumer revenue is the future of media, which means the future of media is about building relationships.

Since early 2016, our team has had hundreds of conversations with publishers of all types to better understand how digital media can thrive today, tomorrow, and for decades to come. Ad revenue is still the primary revenue source for most, and it will no doubt continue to be. But most publishers tell us that their future will also depend on revenue directly from their readers in some shape or form.

But whether its e-commerce, subscriptions, memberships, or donations, few publishers have the tools needed to fully take advantage of these revenue opportunities. Direct consumer revenue requires every reader to be treated as a potential customer. Anonymous tracking and analytics aren’t enough to keep track of and nurture the relationships that ultimately convert.

Today, we’re launching Pico, a CRM built specifically for digital media publishers.

There are already a handful of publishers, like The Wall Street Journal and Harvard Business Review, who have led the way in developing their own in-house tools and techniques to register, funnel, and convert readers into paying supporters of some type. With Pico, we aim to empower every publisher of any size to have the same capabilities.

Pico brings together three main technologies — identity access and management (IAM), customer relationship management (CRM), and marketing automation. Each is designed from the ground up to work seamlessly together and with a publisher’s content management system (CMS) and existing services, such as email marketing. With Pico, it’s never been easier (or even possible, for many publishers!) to let content qualify leads and drive users down the appropriate funnel.

We’re far from finished, of course. We have a long list of features and integrations we can’t wait to build, but we’re confident you’ll quickly find Pico — even in beta — indispensable.

Apply to join the Pico Beta Program at And feel free to drop us a line at We’d love to hear from you.




Revenue tools for the modern publisher