Charging Intimacy into the Internet

Reinventing the Camera Roll to Share Emotions Faster than Words

Dominick Chen
Picsee’s Studio


“We always fail in talking about what we love”
Roland Barthes

Share Camera Rolls, not Photos

Ever since smartphones became part of our daily life these past few years, we have been taking more and more photos. However, most of the photos we take are stored in our camera rolls and completely forgotten. This may be because a further step of “sharing” these photos is required.

At present, the only way for us to show our photos to a friend is by first taking a photo with the camera application, selecting the photos you want to share and uploading them using services such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or other messenger apps. There are also other additional steps such as filtering or adding comments to the photos, not to speak of the hassle of figuring out which application is most convenient for the person you want to share you photos with.

Are all these steps for sharing photos really necessary, given the simple aim of sharing the feeling embedded in the photos?

By eliminating the process of “sharing a photo after taking it”, iPhone application Picsee released today by Dividual Inc., rids of the idea of “photo sharing” all together and proposes a new way of exchange — “private visual communication” (screenshots at the end of the article). The basic concept of Picsee is very simple. It is about sharing, not “photos”, but the “Camera Roll” with people privately linked to you. You can create as many shared camera rolls as needed according to your connections, be they individual or group. When sharing a Camera Roll, a simple tap of the shutter button allows automatic and instant sending of photos between members of the group.

At Dividual, we have spent two years slowly and carefully brewing this application to realize the most natural form of communication. In the process of development and multiples tests, Picsee has evolved into, not merely a convenient tool that “lets you share photos with a simple tap of the shutter button” as originally envisioned, but more of an invitation to a new lifestyle consisting of “visually communicating through photos”.

How was this form of visual communication born through eliminating the “steps of sharing” ? The answer lies in the difference between, classic photo sharing methods which consist of “choosing and sending many photos taken in the past”, and the “shooting and showing of what I am seeing right now” style proposed by Picsee. In other words, taking a photo with Picsee amounts to directly sending the message — “I am showing you what I am seeing right now” to the member(s) of the same group sharing the same camera roll.

The power of “digital raw photos”

The most noticeable feature of Picsee is that “there is no motive necessary to shoot a photo and to show it to someone”. You can use Picsee whenever you like something you see — walking on the street, reading a book, watching TV, mingling with family and friends- and for capturing anything that comes into sight — landscapes, people, objects etc.- to show it to the people you would like to share your feelings with. Your friends could then return with a photo of her own or could just add a ♥ (heart icon) to your photo. The photo you shot may become the starting point of a text conversation involving everyone in the group.

Perhaps it would be more understandable to say that Picsee allows “starting a communication even without any specific purpose”. Sending a photo without adding any words would seem abrupt or curt with email or other messengers, but it can be done naturally with Picsee. This is made possible precisely because the app is about “sharing camera rolls” and because it is visual communication.

So far, digital photos have been shared on the internet via social networks, public photo sharing sites, or communication tools such as emails and messengers which require typing texts. These steps required for sharing means that, the photos we are seeing are essentially images of things “that was” (“ça a été”), as critic Roland Barthes once said in his canonical work “Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography” — simply put, they belong to the past. Photos accompanying a news article were taken days or hours ago while those shared on Instagram and Facebook were mostly taken hours or minutes ago, not to speak of the time required for selecting and processing.

However, photos taken with Picsee are guaranteed to be “what the author is seeing at this very moment”, notwithstanding the several seconds of delay due to internet connection and data transfer. We call this “digital raw photos” and we consider it one of the reasons that Picsee can stir feelings not available in other sharing methods. In social instances where we want to show something, we tend to gird up and try to show our best sides, but such an attitude is unnecessary between intimate acquaintances.

Sharing Intimacy

Through daily use of Picsee in the process of development, our team has deepened its conviction that the feeling born through the visual communication of exchanging digital raw photos cannot be experienced in other services. Those who have been testing this application for a long period of time have all concurred that the app strengthened their feeling of connection with the people dear to them.

I myself have noticed one important fact in the two years of using Picsee with family members and friends. Prior to Picsee, most of the photos — in news articles, of travel souvenirs or a friends’ lunch- I saw on my computer or smartphone were of those taken by people I did not know or barely knew,

Since using Picsee however, I was increasingly able to see on a daily basis, trivial but no less lovely scenes taken from the perspective of people I was close to, be they family members living under the same roof, colleagues at work, and people too busy or too far away to meet regularly. Through exchanging daily perspectives with people dear to me through Picsee, I have come to feel that we have regained the right balance of private information on the Internet.

Through my work as thePublic Lead of Creative Commons in Japan, which aims to gradually open copyrights to others, I have been promoting the realization of an open Internet. For example on Flickr, one of the world’s largest image sharing services, 300 million photos are now tagged with Creative Commons licenses and creative rendering of photos by users are taking place everyday. Thus, I am fully aware of the opportunity of virtual social participation that an universally open social network can bring to us.

Be it sharing one’s activities and thoughts on Medium, Facebook or Twitter or publishing beautiful and amazing photos on Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr and Flickr, the instant sending out of information to a large audience has contributed to encouraging people, alleviating their loneliness, and creating opportunities for valuable work and activities to be recognized.

On the other hand, it is also true that people get tired of being constantly exposed in the public sphere. Photos and messages posted on the internet for the public to see, tend to come with an artificial process designed to embody a specific intention. Open social places are full of stimulations from input by various people and also a place where a constellation of processed images and messages exist.

Why can’t the Internet be a place where we can just relax with the people who are dear to us?

It is this thought that brought me to realize the importance of creating a private channel for visual communication — a space where we can share with the people who are most close to us.

Photos exchanged on Picsee are sometimes blurred or badly composed. Most of them are of trivial moments, far from what we would call a serious “work of art”. This being said, these unedited, raw photos come embedded with emotions such as pure joy or astonishment in a high degree of freshness. The accumulation of such candid photos contributes to the fermentation of warm feelings between familiar people as well as between people who are just getting to know one another. This is the major difference between Picsee and Snapchat, an one-to-one temporal photo communication app, which destructs its photos after a certain time has passed: Picsee diverges from this approach, to create a place where intimacy can be evoked and nurtured through shared photos.

In his later days, Roland Barthes stated “We always fail in talking about what we love”. For our part, we know by experience that words are not enough to convey feelings. In this sense it is possible to say that Picsee’s approach of taking photos of the “present” and not resorting to words makes it possible to convey our feelings to those sharing the same camera roll by “showing what we love as it is”.

Now, it is with confidence that we wish to share with you this little recipe for happiness called Picsee.

We wish you will experience the visual intimacy brought about by Picsee. If possible, we would also appreciate your feedback about your experience with the app. We wish that you will feel together through the Picsee camera rolls your share with the people you care for.

Download Picsee from the AppStore

Example of a group camera roll with book lover friends
Example of a group camera roll sharing home made cuisines and good places to eat in the neighborhood
Example of a group camera roll with 3 college mates in NYC
Example of a Chat over Photo with family members
Example of a chat over a photo with friends
  • If you are a software developer and wish to join our team, or if you are a photographer or a visual artist and wish to start a project using Picsee, please contact us.

Dr. Dominique Chen is the Co-Founder and Director of Dividual Inc. that he co-founded with media artist Takumi Endo and designer/engineer Koichi Yamamoto in 2008, and has since been developing various web services and smart device apps. In 2013, he received a Ph.D. in Information Studies from the University of Tokyo, and has been actively publishing books and articles about the relationship between human beings and information technologies. Dominique has also been an activist of the Free Culture movement, founding Creative Commons Japan in 2004 and promoting the idea of open culture on the Internet.

Thanks to Rié Ehara, Nobuko Aiso, Yo-Jung Chen for their help with this essay.













これまで、デジタルな写真はネット上のソーシャルネットワークやパブリックな画像共有サイトか、もしくはテキストを打つことを前提とするメールやメッセンジャーといったコミュニケーション方法の上で共有されてきました。共有のステップが介在する、ということは、私たちが見る写真のほとんど全てが、冒頭で引用した有名な写真論を著した批評家のロラン・バルトがいうように、「かつてあったもの」(ça a été)、つまり過去の存在であることを意味しています。ニュース記事の写真は数日前から数時間前の写真だろうし、InstagramやFacebookの写真でも速くても数時間から数十分前に撮影されているものがほとんどで、さらに選別や加工の時間も経過しているでしょう。














Download Picsee from the AppStore

株式会社ディヴィデュアル共同創業者 ドミニク・チェン





Dominick Chen
Picsee’s Studio

Researcher. Ph.d. (Information Studies). Profile photo by Rakutaro Ogiwara.