Moving Beyond Polling

Alexandre Jacquot
Pictet Technologies Blog
3 min readDec 14, 2023
Illustration by Luke H

In computer science, the use of polling has been a common practice for obtaining information and managing resources. However, as technology evolves and demands for efficiency increase, there is a need for reconsidering the reliance on polling mechanisms. In this article, we will explore the limitations of polling and make a case for transitioning towards alternative approaches that can better meet the demands of modern computing.

The Basics of Polling

Polling is a technique used to continuously check the status of a system or a resource at regular intervals. Whether it’s checking for user input, monitoring processes, or retrieving data from external sources, polling has traditionally been a go-to method. However, this approach has its drawbacks, which become more evident in the face of today’s challenges.

Inefficiency and Resource Drain

One of the primary drawbacks of polling is its inefficiency. Continuously checking for changes, even when there are none, consumes valuable computational resources. This constant querying can lead to unnecessary CPU cycles, contributing to increased power consumption and reduced overall system performance. Polling also wastes network bandwidth if done too frequently, especially for data that changes infrequently. With many clients polling frequently, the server can become overloaded with excessive incoming requests to check for updates.

Latency Issues

Polling introduces latency, especially in scenarios where responsiveness is crucial. Waiting for the next polling interval to detect a change can result in delays that are unacceptable in real-time or time-sensitive applications. This can be a critical issue in areas such as user interfaces, navigation and tracking systems, and robotics. Polling does not allow for true real-time updates. The client is only aware of changes at the polling frequency rather than as soon as they occur on the server. This lag between data changes on the server and client awareness is a key drawback.

Design Complexity

Implementing polling requires more complex client-side code and state management logic. The client needs to continually manage the polling process, potentially track state across multiple sources, and handle issues like race conditions. In distributed systems, coordination and caching mechanisms add further complexity. The overall architecture is more complicated to program, debug, and maintain compared to push-based approaches.

Alternatives to Polling

To address the limitations of polling, computer scientists have alternative approaches that offer more efficient and responsive solutions.

Event-Driven Programming

Shifting towards event-driven programming allows systems to react to changes as they occur rather than relying on periodic polling. This approach is more responsive and resource-efficient, as it only activates when there is an actual event to handle.

Callback Functions

Callback functions enable a program to register a function that will be called in response to a specific event. This eliminates the need for continuous polling, as the program can focus on execution only when necessary.

Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming models, such as asynchronous I/O and non-blocking operations, provide a way to perform tasks without waiting for them to complete. This approach enhances system responsiveness by allowing the program to continue executing other tasks while waiting for external operations to finish.


While polling has served as a reliable mechanism for decades, its limitations become apparent in the face of modern computing challenges. The inefficiency, latency, and complexity issues associated with polling can hinder the performance and responsiveness of systems. Embracing alternative approaches such as event-driven programming, callback functions, and asynchronous programming can lead to more efficient, responsive, and scalable solutions.

To delve deeper into alternatives to polling, consider exploring my other articles on Reactive Programming and Server-Sent Events:

This article was partially generated using ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI.



Alexandre Jacquot
Pictet Technologies Blog

Technical Lead at Pictet Technologies. Enthusiastic about coding and sharing experiences.